census - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of census in Hindi

  • जनगणना
  • मनुष्यगणन
  • गणना
  • जनगणना-अभिलेख
  • संगणना

census Definition

  • an official count or survey of a population, typically recording various details of individuals. ( किसी व्यक्ति की आधिकारिक गणना या सर्वेक्षण, आमतौर पर व्यक्तियों के विभिन्न विवरणों को रिकॉर्ड करना। )

census Example

  • population estimates extrapolated from the 1981 census ( जनसंख्या का अनुमान 1981 की जनगणना से लगाया गया है )
  • Neither the county or district councils has felt it necessary to conduct a traffic census in recent years. ( हाल के वर्षों में न तो काउंटी या जिला परिषदों ने यातायात जनगणना करना आवश्यक समझा है। )
  • a traffic census ( एक यातायात जनगणना )
  • Part of the reason for the result is that no subdivisions were available in the census question. ( परिणाम का कारण यह है कि जनगणना प्रश्न में कोई उपखंड उपलब्ध नहीं थे। )

More Sentence

  • One of the main surprise findings of the census is that the population is ageing quicker than was previously thought.
  • This area of London was surveyed again in 1991 as part of the UK census of population.
  • A local census of population, resource audit and needs analysis will also be compiled.
  • By 1851 the census showed the urban population was larger than that of the rural areas.
  • census data
  • It's a national survey, it's a massive survey, but it's not a national census .
  • There is no other state where the local populace is prouder to be counted in the census .
  • Direction and density of nocturnal migrants detected with radar and ceilometers were compared with changes in species counts from daily censuses .
  • Relief turned to panic in the late 1980s, when censuses of tiger populations began to reveal that many were ‘missing.’
  • Profitability depended on accurate data and life assurance companies were active supporters of population censuses initiated by the government.
  • The differences can be accounted for by the fact that these are samples, and not censuses of the population.
  • All mortalities are given per million population, with population sizes derived from censuses by interpolation or extrapolation.
  • Recent censuses have confirmed a population shift away from the Northeast and Midwest, towards the South and West.
  • The third kind of training produced researchers who conducted house-to-house censuses and applied a questionnaire about social and economic organization.
  • The traditional way of doing this has been to use death rates or self reported measures of chronic illness derived from censuses or surveys of the population.
  • These two segments of the population were aggregated in all population censuses prior to 2000.
  • These machines, one of which is on display at the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC, allowed the Nazis to punch out data cards and were used for population censuses in Germany in the 1930s.
  • Biologists taking censuses of animal populations or hunters tracking game are typical users.
  • They are based on a management plan that incorporates activities such as censuses of the populations and demographic research about particular species.