cancer - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of cancer in Hindi
- कैंसर
- कसर
- नासूर
- कर्क
cancer Definition
- the disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body. ( शरीर के एक हिस्से में असामान्य कोशिकाओं के अनियंत्रित विभाजन के कारण होने वाली बीमारी। )
cancer Example
- Vital research will include finding new drugs to treat diseases such as cancer . ( वाइटल रिसर्च में कैंसर जैसी बीमारियों के इलाज के लिए नई दवाओं की खोज शामिल होगी। )
- Domestic violence in America is on the rise and we need to be aware that it is a cancer in our society. ( अमेरिका में घरेलू हिंसा बढ़ रही है और हमें जागरूक होने की आवश्यकता है कि यह हमारे समाज में एक कैंसर है। )
- A large number of people with cancer overcome the disease and live fulfilled lives for many years. ( बड़ी संख्या में कैंसर से पीड़ित लोग इस बीमारी को दूर करते हैं और कई वर्षों तक जीवन जीते हैं। )
- People need to devise their own ways of controlling and correcting their youth lest they become the cancer of the community. ( लोगों को अपने युवा वर्ग को नियंत्रित करने और उन्हें ठीक करने के अपने तरीके विकसित करने की आवश्यकता है, क्योंकि वे समुदाय के कैंसर बन जाते हैं। )
More Sentence
- I gave up smoking because I didn't want to die prematurely of cancer or heart disease.
- Diseases caused by aberrant gene expression include viral diseases and cancer .
- Some of those volunteers will develop cancer , heart disease or mental illness.
- The growth of a cancer has a different path of development from that of the healthy body.
- Other lung conditions such as lung cancer will need to be ruled out as part of the diagnosis.
- Consider why the patient has consulted; many are worried about heart disease or cancer .
- Depression is a cancer of the soul, it eats away at the core of who you are and replaces it with doubt and pain and fear.
- In particular, it is thought to cause mesothelioma, a cancer of the outer lining of the lung or the abdomen.
- The cream is applied to a skin cancer and given time to be absorbed by the malignant cells.
- The biggest killer of children last year was not cancer or natural diseases but road accidents.
- Cases progress slowly resulting in chronic liver diseases, cirrhosis and cancer .
- he's got cancer
- Pesticides have also been associated with a series of other diseases, including cancer .
- Stopping smoking can help to slow the progress of the condition and help to reduce the chances of lung cancer .
- Denos died last Wednesday after a long battle against cancer and the lung disease emphysema.
- Despite the advances in treatment in recent years, cancer remains a distressing disease.
- lung cancer
- racism is a cancer sweeping across Europe
- smoking is the major cause of lung cancer
- The city is a regional centre for the treatment of many diseases, including cancer and heart disease.
- Exercise does not just lower our chances of heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
- This may predispose people to conditions such as cancer and heart disease.
- The knowledge gained could cure cancer , prevent heart disease, and feed millions.
- Those people are a cancer in our society and they deserve to be in jail.
- Members suffer from illnesses such as cancer , heart disease, diabetes and asthma.
- They have become the main providers of funding for research into cancer and heart disease.