but - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of but in Hindi

  • परंतु


  • लेकिन


  • मगर
  • फिर भी
  • किन्तु


  • मात्र
  • प्रत्युत

but Definition


  • no more than; only. ( से अधिक नहीं; केवल। )


  • used to introduce something contrasting with what has already been mentioned. ( पहले से ही उल्लेख किया गया है के साथ कुछ विपरीत पेश करने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया। )
  • used to indicate the impossibility of anything other than what is being stated. ( जो कुछ भी कहा जा रहा है उसके अलावा किसी अन्य की असंभवता को इंगित करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। )
  • used to introduce a response expressing a feeling such as surprise or anger. ( आश्चर्य या क्रोध जैसी भावना व्यक्त करते हुए प्रतिक्रिया व्यक्त करते थे। )
  • used after an expression of apology for what one is about to say. ( कहने के लिए माफी की अभिव्यक्ति के बाद इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। )
  • without its being the case that. ( इसके बिना यह मामला है। ) 


  • except; apart from; other than. ( के सिवाय; इसके अलावा; के अलावा अन्य। )


  • an argument against something; an objection. ( कुछ के खिलाफ एक तर्क; एक आपत्ति। )

but Example

  • he is but a shadow of his former self ( वह अपने पूर्व स्व की छाया है )
  • The riverside bar can not have been cheap to open, but the chain is more than reaping its reward now. ( रिवरसाइड बार खोलने के लिए सस्ता नहीं हो सकता है, लेकिन श्रृंखला अब इसके इनाम को वापस लेने से अधिक है। )
  • Nobody, but nobody knows more about the wants and wishes of consumers of fresh agricultural products than the commodity groups that promote those products. ( कोई भी, लेकिन उन उत्पादों को बढ़ावा देने वाले कमोडिटी समूहों की तुलना में ताजा कृषि उत्पादों के उपभोक्ताओं की इच्छाओं और इच्छाओं के बारे में अधिक नहीं जानता है। )
  • Sorry but you would have to be completely bonkers to consider this method of control as humane! ( क्षमा करें, लेकिन नियंत्रण के इस तरीके पर विचार करने के लिए आपको पूरी तरह से बोनर्स होना चाहिए! )
  • Cause and effect are related in such a way that, if the first occurs, the second cannot but occur. ( कारण और प्रभाव इस तरह से संबंधित हैं, यदि पहला होता है, तो दूसरा नहीं होता है। )
  • Nobody, but nobody, should eat a two pound burrito. ( किसी को भी, लेकिन किसी को भी, दो पाउंड बूरिटो नहीं खाना चाहिए। )

More Sentence

  • Sorry to sound pious but what about the homeless, the sick, the poor and neglected?
  • I'm sure this has been pointed out a million times already but I feel that I have to as well.
  • The sovereign commands the people in general ‘never but by a precedent law, and as a politic, not as a natural person’ .
  • Sorry to say this but there are some areas where I don't trust the men in white coats.
  • I believe leaving the bases will be a cheaper option but also help North Sea fish stocks.
  • I did read the names that one time, and never but that one time.
  • He told the woman that he was very sorry but he seemed to have left his wallet at home.
  • in Texas, we were never anything but poor
  • Lafarge says it needs time to read the new regulations but can clean up what comes out of the chimney.
  • what could I do but agree with her?
  • Nobody, but Nobody, knows Mauritius like we do!
  • Once you have paid the entrance fee, you feel you deserve a cracking day out, it is not cheap but it is worth it.
  • Simon Moore was pulled back when clean through, but play was allowed to continue.
  • and who but a fool would do that?
  • Apologies for posting out of my normal TV category but it's simply too good not to post.
  • he did it quickly but well
  • It never rains but it pours.
  • Last week a high court judge ruled that the brigade had no alternative but to give them their jobs back.
  • We did not know what to expect, but what a fantastic surprise night, it was a real thrill.
  • Why nobody, but nobody will ever take mass transit as long as they have a choice.
  • but first tell me your version
  • Her Own Tribesmen Never but Say Her Age Is 300 Years.
  • he was a nice bloke but
  • you can't but admire her