bunk - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bunk in Hindi

  • चारपाई


  • सोना
  • सोने का स्थान

bunk Definition


  • a narrow shelflike bed, typically one of two or more arranged one on top of the other. ( एक संकीर्ण शेल्फ की तरह बिस्तर, आम तौर पर दो या अधिक में से एक दूसरे के शीर्ष पर व्यवस्थित होता है। )
  • nonsense. ( बकवास। )


  • sleep in a narrow berth or improvised bed, typically in shared quarters as a temporary arrangement. ( एक संकीर्ण बर्थ या इंप्रूव्ड बेड में सोएं, आमतौर पर एक अस्थायी व्यवस्था के रूप में साझा क्वार्टरों में। )

bunk Example

  • So the Leftist explanation that ‘poverty’ keeps blacks out is sheer bunk . ( इसलिए वामपंथी स्पष्टीकरण है कि 'गरीबी' से कालाधन बाहर रहता है, सरासर चारपाई है। )
  • In an often-quoted remark, Henry Ford, the great captain of industry, said, ‘History is more or less bunk .’ ( उद्योग के महान कप्तान हेनरी फोर्ड ने अक्सर उद्धृत टिप्पणी में कहा, 'इतिहास कमोबेश चारपाई है।' )
  • Certainly there is as much bunk out there that needs to be unmasked as nonsense or lies. ( निश्चित रूप से वहाँ उतना ही चारपाई है, जिसे बकवास या झूठ के रूप में सामने लाने की आवश्यकता है। )
  • We like to believe that history is bunk because we don't like being bound by it. ( हम यह मानना पसंद करते हैं कि इतिहास बंक है क्योंकि हमें इससे बंधना पसंद नहीं है। )
  • they bunk together in the dormitory ( वे शयनगृह में एक साथ चारपाई करते हैं )
  • Interestingly if you search for it online, pretty much the first thing you get is a long page by earthquake experts explaining precisely why it's total bunk . ( दिलचस्प बात यह है कि यदि आप इसे ऑनलाइन खोजते हैं, तो आपको जो पहली चीज मिलती है, वह भूकंप विशेषज्ञों द्वारा एक लंबा पृष्ठ है, जिसमें बताया गया है कि यह कुल मिलाकर क्यों है। )

More Sentence

  • I've said before that I think the supply-siders who argue that lowering our marginal tax rates will raise revenue are full of bunk .
  • All of this bunk is making its way around Nassau.
  • anyone with a brain cell would never believe such bunk
  • On every other subject, they assure us all that ‘right is right and wrong is wrong’ and that cultural relativism is bunk from the elites.
  • The theory that this drifter that's living in his car sneaks in - and this garage door theory, I think is a bunch of bunk .
  • Does this mean I think all Eastern medicine is bunk ?
  • Namely, that this global warming, de-forestation and pollution stuff is all bunk , the planet has never been in finer fettle etc.
  • Precisely, the governor said that multiculturalism is bunk .
  • In a democracy, this sort of offensive bunk needs to be tolerated.
  • That's been shown to be complete bunk , as evidenced by the fact that Canada won last year's World Championship and the gold medal in Salt Lake City.
  • Foretelling the future through astrology is bunk , right?
  • Proportional representation, for reasons on which I have ranted extensively in this house and elsewhere, is bunk .
  • Most trendspotting articles - especially those appearing in newsless August - are bunk .
  • And I still have no idea whether it's total bunk or not.
  • That he believes his own bunk is the best joke of all.
  • These people have abandoned their own religion as so much bunk , but have enthusiastically embraced Buddhism, which they imperfectly understand.
  • I know firsthand it's true that warriors like Charley are tormented in their dreams and cry out in their sleep as they re-fight their battles; yes that I know from bunking with him.
  • In lock-down means that he has been in a small 8 x 10 room (that's in feet), double bunks with a toilet and a sink for two years.
  • They can decide together what would be a fair way of assigning responsibilities for keeping the cabin clean, or even how the bunks are arranged.
  • Cabins are roomy, with double bottom bunks and handbasin.
  • It was a little more than twice the size of my room in the apartment, and fit four beds - two bunks - easily.
  • Spend nights exaggerating your catch over Scotch and bunking in vintage 1920s Pullman cars.
  • As soon as we landed, we dropped our stuff off at the Guard base where we bunked and then picked up rental cars and hit the dance clubs.
  • He began his sentence in the Bendigo police station cells, where up to 18 prisoners were locked in an area with bunks for five or six people.