building site - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of building site in Hindi
- निर्माण स्थल
- निर्माण-स्थान
building site Definition
- an area where a structure is being constructed or repaired. ( एक ऐसा क्षेत्र जहां एक संरचना का निर्माण या मरम्मत की जा रही है। )
building site Example
- It depicts a construction worker hanging desperately from a steel girder on a building site . ( इसमें एक निर्माण स्थल पर एक स्टील गर्डर से हताश रूप से लटके एक निर्माण श्रमिक को दर्शाया गया है। )
- For as long as six years the families at the Shandon site were living on what was nothing more than a building site . ( छह साल तक शैंडोन साइट पर रहने वाले परिवार एक इमारत की जगह से ज्यादा कुछ नहीं थे। )
- Athens, a site of great historical interest, was a building site a matter of months ago. ( एथेंस, महान ऐतिहासिक ब्याज की एक साइट, महीनों पहले एक निर्माण स्थल था। )
- Would you like to grade a building site with the same ease that you play a computer game? ( क्या आप एक बिल्डिंग साइट को उसी सहजता से ग्रेड देना चाहेंगे जो आप कंप्यूटर गेम खेलते हैं? )
- Just in the last few weeks it's started to change from being a building site to buildings. ( बस पिछले कुछ हफ्तों में इसे बिल्डिंग साइट से इमारतों में बदलना शुरू हो गया है। )
More Sentence
- The site is still a building site , with stacks of concrete blocks and scaffolding in the bare corridors.
- There have been many reports of machinery having been stolen at building sites at various locations around the area.
- From 1909 Galerkin began to study building sites and construction works throughout Europe.
- Amish construction groups travel to building sites for commercial and residential construction.
- Her mother's family were construction engineers and through visiting building sites as a child she became interested in construction.
- For that reason, he uses a rock milling machine when excavating for streets, highways, and building sites .
- John worked on various building sites during the early 1920s, including the construction of Wembley Stadium.
- Petty cash, company stationary, mobile phones and laptops rank high among items stolen from offices, building sites and changing rooms.
- Industrial and construction noises from factories and building sites also produced a barrage of complaints.
- He's a big man with a withering sense of humour honed after a generation on Scottish building sites where getting brickies to trowel cement more quickly is a form of black art.
- The move should help keep down construction inflation costs and make building sites safer.
- During 1946, up to one fifth of all farm work in Britain was being done by German POWs, and they were also employed on road works and building sites .
- This considers advertisement hoardings to be acceptable around building sites or where they screen unsightly areas.
- The construction materials are very expensive but there are more building sites than workers available.
- Mr Kelleher said it was understandable that children would have a natural curiosity about building sites but safety had to remain a priority.