brunette - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of brunette in Hindi

  • श्यामला
  • श्यामा

brunette Definition


  • (especially of a woman or girl) having dark brown hair. ( (विशेष रूप से एक महिला या लड़की के) गहरे भूरे बाल होना। )


  • a person, typically a woman, with dark brown hair. ( एक व्यक्ति, आमतौर पर एक महिला, गहरे भूरे बालों के साथ। )

brunette Example

  • her lustrous brunette tresses ( उसे चमकदार श्यामला tresses )
  • she's a gorgeous, green-eyed brunette ( वह एक सुंदर, हरी आंखों श्यामला है )
  • a fresh-faced brunette woman in her thirties ( उसके तीसवें दशक में एक ताजा चेहरा श्यामला महिला )
  • I started in as well when I felt a hand on my back; I turned around to find a short girl with brunet hair and a slightly big nose smiling up at me. ( जब मैंने अपनी पीठ पर हाथ महसूस किया तो मैंने भी शुरुआत की; मैं एक छोटी लड़की को खोजने के लिए चारों ओर मुड़ गया, जिसमें बालों के छोटे बाल थे और एक छोटी सी बड़ी नाक मुझे देख कर मुस्कुरा रही थी। )

More Sentence

  • Mako stood her ground, her skirt blew back and her short dark brunet hair flew furiously about her.
  • I had met women of all shapes and sizes; blondes, brunettes and redheads, some bubbly, some serious, some supremely confident, others slightly hesitant.
  • Yeah, you get these guys who make their minds up and only like blondes or brunettes .
  • Who typically has more hair: blondes, brunettes or redheads?
  • Maybe this dress just works best on brunettes with long curly hair!
  • The two girls, both brunettes , were wearing prom-like dresses, one in lilac and the other in powder blue, with matching flowers in their hair, which looked like at least an hours' worth of work.
  • I saw her immediately, since she sort of stood out mixed in with all of the brunettes , red heads, and blondes.
  • There were a couple of brunettes , one with white hair, and another that had black hair, although it had a bright green sheen to it, giving away the fact that it had been dyed.
  • I've always liked brunettes better, he thought, Clarissa's beautiful dark locks coming into his mind - until he remembered Ella's golden hair.
  • Meanwhile, this is a big week for finding out that people whom you thought were brunettes are actually natural blondes.
  • In the 20 films, the British spy has encountered 58 Bond girls; 29 were brunettes , 25 were blondes, and just four were redheads.
  • My hair wasn't the pretty hair that most brunettes had.
  • We're allowed - and even encouraged - to develop preferences for blondes, brunettes , redheads, etc, within our western culture.
  • But, how can there be a line of hair products for brunettes ?
  • Keep in mind that blondes and dark-haired brunettes look stunning in hair jewels that are silvery, brilliant white crystal or diamond or have stark white hues.
  • They were are all short, gorgeous, had brown or hazel eyes, and all of them were brunettes .
  • After dealing with frizz and the issues faced by blondes, he turned his attention to brunettes , whose main complaint was dull, listless hair.
  • We're both big-haired brunettes of about the same age.
  • I forgot that Austin has a thing for brunettes and redheads, but female Marines know how to handle themselves.