briefcase - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of briefcase in Hindi

  • ब्रीफ़केस
  • ब्रीफकैस

briefcase Definition

  • a flat, rectangular container, typically made of leather, for carrying books and papers. ( एक फ्लैट, आयताकार कंटेनर, आमतौर पर चमड़े से बना होता है, किताबें और कागजात ले जाने के लिए। )

briefcase Example

  • Chained to his wrist was a briefcase containing forged war plans about the upcoming invasion of Sardinia. ( उसकी कलाई तक जंजीर एक अटैची थी जिसमें सार्डिनिया के आगामी आक्रमण के बारे में जाली युद्ध की योजना थी। )
  • Almost against his will, his hands moved to the two locks on either side of the briefcase 's handle. ( लगभग उसकी मर्जी के खिलाफ, उसके हाथ ब्रीफकेस के हैंडल के दोनों ओर दो तालों में चले गए। )
  • Carry your workout gear in your briefcase or pack it away in the trunk of your car. ( अपने ब्रीफ़केस में अपने वर्कआउट गियर को ले जाएं या अपनी कार की डिक्की में पैक करके रखें। )

More Sentence

  • That is, until a bespectacled Arab man, in a business suit and carrying a briefcase , arrives one day on the bus.
  • The Ambassador stormed past the Lieutenant-Colonel, carrying his briefcase firmly.
  • It was a picture of a figure carry a briefcase , in the action of handing it to the man with a scar.
  • Harry just happens to have a bottle of whisky in his briefcase , and plastic cups.
  • In one hand he carries a briefcase and in the other a wire basket for his purchases.
  • He was perched on a stool with a plastic briefcase at his feet and a half-supped pint of bitter in his hand.
  • He fell to his knees and released his grip on both the briefcase and the bag.
  • Dozens of passer-by's walked past me, carrying their briefcases and their bags of work.
  • They carried briefcases and had children in their arms.
  • Some are carrying briefcases instead of bookbags.
  • But to my horror when I got downstairs there were two men dressed in black suits carrying black leather briefcases .
  • Limit the time you spend carrying heavy briefcases , purses and bags.
  • Both men were dressed in suits and had briefcases with them containing miscellaneous business papers.
  • Most of them were carrying briefcases ; they looked like they were coming home from work.
  • They carry data boards and briefcases and boxes filled with scientific paraphernalia.
  • But those conspicuously carrying briefcases and cellular phones must pay up.
  • Passengers carrying suitcases - or backpacks or briefcases - will have farther to walk to mass transit connections.