breeder - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of breeder in Hindi

  • ब्रीडर
  • प्रजनक
  • अभिजनक
  • संवर्धक

breeder Definition

  • a person who breeds livestock, racehorses, other animals, or plants. ( एक व्यक्ति जो पशुधन, रेसहॉर्स, अन्य जानवरों, या पौधों को जन्म देता है। )

breeder Example

  • a plant breeder ( एक संयंत्र ब्रीडर )
  • Thus, buying puppy from a breeder who screens all breeding stock for inherited problems is a must. ( इस प्रकार, एक ब्रीडर से पिल्ला खरीदना, जो विरासत में मिली समस्याओं के लिए सभी प्रजनन स्टॉक को स्क्रीन करता है, एक चाहिए। )
  • a breeder of fine cattle ( ठीक मवेशियों का एक प्रजनक )
  • cattle breeder ( पशुपालक )
  • a dog breeder ( एक कुत्ता ब्रीडर )
  • In recent years, breeders have developed plants that bear large crops of big, tasty berries. ( हाल के वर्षों में, प्रजनकों ने ऐसे पौधे विकसित किए हैं जो बड़ी, स्वादिष्ट जामुन की बड़ी फसलों को सहन करते हैं। )
  • Galaxy has now been offered to growers and breeders , and is suitable for both commercial and backyard use. ( गैलेक्सी अब उत्पादकों और प्रजनकों को पेश किया गया है, और यह वाणिज्यिक और पिछवाड़े दोनों उपयोग के लिए उपयुक्त है। )

More Sentence

  • Second, I cannot believe that the breeders ' puppies were more expensive than a pet store.
  • The collection's primary users are plant breeders and scientists.
  • However, we discourage people from buying animals from so-called responsible breeders too.
  • The new technique will not be used by thoroughbred racehorse breeders .
  • And larger birth weight is exactly what beef cattle breeders had sought.
  • With any bird, however, I'd recommend breeders over pet stores.
  • While genetic diversity may not be the first concern for most farmers, it is for plant breeders and scientists.
  • Rhesus monkeys are seasonal breeders .
  • Halibut over 200-300 lbs are female breeders which don't have the best flesh for eating.
  • Plant breeders changed the crop into one grown primarily for the oil and protein in its seed.
  • However, some breeders just breed birds for the sake of earning money.
  • That's why conscientious breeders do not let kittens leave home until they have reached four months of age.
  • And their color range keeps expanding as plant breeders give more attention to these up-and-coming perennials.
  • Expert breeders will keep their puppies for as long as four to five months before sending them on to new homes.
  • Then they can make the genetic material available to nurseries and plant breeders .
  • Most reports indicated that treatment could increase the pregnancy rates of repeat breeders compared with controls.
  • Others were generously submitted by farmers and breeders who found them in their fields.
  • In animals which are seasonal breeders prolactin shows a seasonal rhythm.
  • The announcement that badger culling is ‘not viable’ has frustrated, if not angered, cattle breeders in the UK.
  • If female broiler breeders are fed ad libitum then egg production and hatchability are poor.
  • Argentine seed law prohibits the sale of uncertified seeds in an effort to protect intellectual property rights of plant breeders .
  • Livestock breeders support the gene bank initiative and believe it is the only way forward.
  • In the future, the lab's work with hormones and genetics may help ranchers and breeders help their heifers even more.