breakneck - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of breakneck in Hindi

  • ख़तरनाक
  • संकटमय

breakneck Definition

  • dangerously or extremely fast. ( खतरनाक या अत्यंत तेज। )

breakneck Example

  • But I do have nagging fears about the flood of major plans for that part of town which seem to be emerging at breakneck speed. ( लेकिन मुझे शहर के उस हिस्से के लिए प्रमुख योजनाओं की बाढ़ के बारे में आशंकाएं हैं, जो ब्रेकनेक गति से उभर रहे हैं। )
  • His consciousness leaps backwards and forwards at breakneck speed. ( उनकी चेतना ब्रेकनेक गति से पीछे और आगे की ओर छलांग लगाती है। )
  • In between, the journey is at breakneck speed on rutted roads through shanty villages or hotel-lined luxury. ( बीच-बीच में, जर्जर सड़कों पर, जर्जर गाँवों या होटल-लाइन वाले लक्ज़री के माध्यम से यात्रा टूटती है। )
  • It's both breakneck fast and much funnier than you would think. ( यह दोनों ब्रेकनेक तेज और बहुत मजेदार है जितना आप सोचते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • They turned in 90 minutes of fantastic dance, at one moment at breakneck speed, the next gentle and solemn.
  • Breathlessly we run faster and faster at a breakneck speed to a destination we neither know nor can ever reach.
  • Continuing her work at breakneck speed, the lady can put to shame any high-flying workaholic.
  • I want an extremely clear head so that if I see the floor approaching at breakneck speed I can at least close my eyes before I hit it.
  • Children playing along a Swindon road feared for their lives when Hicks's car came hurtling towards them at breakneck speed.
  • The fog, though, doesn't slow the vessel down, as it skims across a calm sea at breakneck speed.
  • As I got closer, they left their temporary hideouts at breakneck speed, both of them diving down the same hole.
  • Shanghai is now developing at breakneck speed into a more trendy, luxury-loving society.
  • Brown has created the veritable page-turner, a book that moves at a breakneck speed along the edge of a cliff.
  • The players had been aware that this could pose the biggest test to the top-of-the-table status and came out of the blocks at breakneck speed.
  • But as it sped down the highway at a breakneck speed, it advanced towards him.
  • In the cobbled backstreets mustachioed old men in tweed jackets and gaiters drive decorated carts at breakneck speeds.
  • The performers recount their story at breakneck speed, completely devoid of inflection or emotion.
  • When you are careering down the motorway at the breakneck speed of forty-five miles per hour, make sure you sit in the middle lane.
  • Meanwhile, every train in every direction was cruising by at breakneck speed, which only added to the frustration.
  • The impression is of a town reinventing itself at breakneck speed.