boredom - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of boredom in Hindi
- उदासी
- उदासी
- क्लांति
- विरक्ति
- नीरसता
boredom Definition
- the state of feeling bored. ( ऊब की स्थिति। )
boredom Example
- On the contrary, it has brought us obsessions with work, stress and boredom . ( इसके विपरीत, यह हमें काम, तनाव और ऊब के साथ जुनून लाया है। )
- The mild suggestion of boredom he affects can't disguise a hint of testiness. ( ऊब का वह हल्का सुझाव जो प्रभावित करता है वह एक संकेत नहीं दे सकता है। )
- However, now your baby will cry from boredom , anxiety, frustration and teething. ( हालाँकि, अब आपका बच्चा बोरियत, घबराहट, हताशा और जल्दी उठने से रोएगा। )
- There was certainly no boredom at the Varsity match in Cambridge on Saturday. ( कैंब्रिज में शनिवार को हुए वर्सिटी मैच में कोई बोरियत नहीं थी। )
- Two whole easily forgettable years of torture and boredom are almost over. ( यातना और ऊब के दो पूरे आसानी से भूलने योग्य वर्ष लगभग खत्म हो गए हैं। )
- With all this pressure the crew relieve boredom and tension of long flights by playing practical jokes. ( इस सारे दबाव के साथ चालक दल व्यावहारिक चुटकुले बजाकर लंबी उड़ानों की बोरियत और तनाव से छुटकारा पाते हैं। )
More Sentence
- the boredom of afternoon duty could be relieved by friendly conversation
- I'll die of boredom if I live that long
- I often find dead spiders in the house and wonder whether they've died from boredom or starvation.
- Every time the boys' boredom threatens to go off like a klaxon, she produces another palliative.
- We fear boredom, yet it is from boredom that real and productive imaginative play is spawned.
- Drew fought really, really hard to not roll her eyes in frustrated boredom .
- Local teenagers blamed the disturbances on boredom , and what they see as a total lack of things for them to do in the area.
- They are paintings about boredom and the consolation of invented pleasures.
- The relentless boredom , fear and frustration hung over her head like a black storm cloud.
- You know, I think one of the problems I'm having at the moment is a deep and unassailable boredom .
- The accident, along with endless months of pain and boredom in hospital, failed to break her spirit.
- If one more thing goes wrong with my body, my eyes are gonna roll back in my head with sheer utter boredom .
- Sometimes a long period of whittling away at the front-runner can lead to boredom and apathy.
- Emotional eating is a big problem for lots of people, and so is eating out of boredom , or habit.
- I read somewhere the other day about boredom being necessary for creativity.
- But their lives are rarely in danger; boredom is the great evil they must keep at bay.