bonfire - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bonfire in Hindi

  • होलिका
  • अलाव
  • अग्निक्रीडा
  • होली
  • जयसूचक अग्नि


  • होलिका

bonfire Definition

  • a large open-air fire used as part of a celebration, for burning trash, or as a signal. ( एक बड़ी खुली हवा में आग उत्सव के हिस्से के रूप में इस्तेमाल की जाती है, जलती हुई कूड़ेदान के लिए, या एक संकेत के रूप में। )

bonfire Example

  • Across in Biggar, the bonfire celebrations date back to the pagan times when fire was worshipped. ( बिगगर में, अलाव उत्सव अग्नि की पूजा करते समय बुतपरस्त समय के लिए वापस आता है। )
  • the smell of burning leaves from a garden bonfire ( एक बगीचे अलाव से जलती पत्तियों की गंध )
  • The fire is believed to have been caused by a bonfire which got out of control. ( माना जा रहा है कि आग किसी अलाव के कारण लगी थी जो नियंत्रण से बाहर हो गई। )
  • The bonfire of burning bras has finally died down and we should admit effeminacy is killing the arts. ( जलती हुई ब्रा के अलाव की आखिरकार मौत हो गई है और हमें स्वीकार करना चाहिए कि पवित्रता कला को मार रही है। )
  • yet again, events had made a bonfire of her plans ( फिर से, घटनाओं ने उसकी योजनाओं का एक अलाव बना दिया था )

More Sentence

  • Last week, I got up at three in the morning, lit a bonfire in my garden, and started fixing the grass.
  • Of course, the smoke did not affect their own houses because the bonfire was at the bottom of their gardens.
  • Asked to dispose of it, he quietly burnt it on a bonfire in his back garden in Cheshire, the court heard.
  • The pair had been setting off fireworks, lighting fires and throwing aerosol cans onto a bonfire .
  • Potentially dangerous bonfires will also be removed in the run-up to November 5.
  • We ask people to be aware of the litter laws and not dump any type of rubbish for the bonfires on the greens.
  • But it must also go up to acknowledge that, at that very moment, bonfires of celebration are being lit from one end of the land to the other.
  • There are often bonfires in the back garden of that house.
  • She added that the annual Halloween celebrations will see bonfires on the area, only making things worse than they already are.
  • A warning has gone out to people thinking of having bonfires in their gardens after a fire went out of control.
  • The burning of life-sized effigies of Guy Fawkes on bonfires is a relatively new custom.
  • It was celebrated with bonfires , parades and people dressing up as saints, angels and devils.
  • I was also familiar with bonfires and trash fires, and with the intense heat which they produced.
  • Firefighters are warning that bonfires can become infernos in the current spell of hot weather.
  • The embers from the dying bonfires still burned, casting ghostly shadows over the ground.
  • Warnings have also been issued in relation to fire hazards caused by Hallowe'en bonfires .
  • Celebrations went on late into the night with bonfires blazing around the deputy's home village of Ardfert.