blur - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of blur in Hindi

  • कलंक


  • कलंक
  • धब्बा
  • दाग़
  • धुंधलापन
  • दाग
  • चित्ती


  • गड़बड़ करना

blur Definition


  • a thing that cannot be seen or heard clearly. ( एक ऐसी चीज़ जो स्पष्ट रूप से देखी या सुनी नहीं जा सकती। )


  • make or become unclear or less distinct. ( स्पष्ट या कम स्पष्ट होना या बनना। )

blur Example

  • Everything has been a bit of a blur since the hospital hell. ( अस्पताल के नरक के बाद से सब कुछ थोड़ा धुंधला हो गया है। )
  • The face was a pale blur , but the voice was deep and rich and carried a definite hint of the Bronx. ( चेहरा एक पीला धब्बा था, लेकिन आवाज गहरी और समृद्ध थी और ब्रोंक्स का एक निश्चित संकेत किया। )
  • You barely get to see some of the areas you're going so fast - everything becomes a colorful blur ! ( आप मुश्किल से कुछ ऐसे क्षेत्रों को देख पाते हैं, जहाँ आप इतनी तेज़ी से जा रहे हैं - सब कुछ एक रंगीन धब्बा बन जाता है! )
  • Before I dive into a blur of words, I need you to listen to this guy. ( इससे पहले कि मैं शब्दों के एक धब्बे में डुबकी लगाऊं, मुझे इस आदमी को सुनने की जरूरत है। )
  • I remembered the heat like a dream, a blur of drunkenness and hangovers and sweat-tangled sheets. ( मैंने एक सपने की तरह गर्मी को याद किया, नशे की एक धब्बा और हैंगओवर और पसीने से तर चादरें। )
  • My brain does not work the same way as yours does, my life that I existed in seems a blur to me, I cant remember most bits. ( मेरा दिमाग उसी तरह से काम नहीं करता है जैसा कि आपका करता है, मेरा जीवन जो मुझे अस्तित्व में था वह मुझे एक धब्बा लगता है, मैं ज्यादातर बिट्स को याद नहीं कर सकता। )

More Sentence

  • Through the white-hot blur he heard the girl scream, and the horse neigh loudly.
  • What followed was very much of a blur , but all I remember was this extreme pain as if my body was being ripped in two.
  • After almost eight years, it is all a blur but I can still remember this sense of community and belonging among the people.
  • The days and nights that followed were a blur of happiness, enjoyment and contentment.
  • Subtitles stack on top of subtitles until the screen is a blur of words.
  • The whole first two days are a complete blur , I really can barely remember that.
  • Our Michigan summer is a blur , but we followed that up the next summer with 6 weeks at UCLA.
  • the words were a blur
  • The next few moments were a blur , but I remember seeing that we were at the very top.
  • Passing people just saw a blur and heard the sound of his jacket whipping the air behind him.
  • He heard the blur say his name but wasn't paying any attention to the feminine voice.
  • The next morning went by like a blur , and she faintly remembered a short conversation with him last night.
  • Her loose white skirt is splayed upon the surface of the river, and when he opens his eyes he can see the white blur of her pale legs.
  • She looked up a saw a blur of pale skin swoosh down the hall and out of sight.
  • The rest of his innings, before and after, will be remembered as a blur , a flurry of unreal machismo.
  • Because of my anxiety the words were just a blur , so like most patients I just signed without reading.
  • Jim tries to read but even in glasses the words are a blur .
  • his novels blur the boundaries between criticism and fiction
  • In a pale blur she saw her father and mother standing at the foot of the bed.
  • He thought for a while, but everything was really a blur ; he could not really remember anything.
  • Pretty soon the words just became a blur , which was a definite sign that she was spacing out.
  • There's nothing substantive to latch onto - all I remember is a blur of lights, noise and sweaty torsos.
  • The world around her remained a blur even as she heard his fading paw steps.
  • Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a blur and turned towards it.