blonde - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of blonde in Hindi

  • गोरा
  • हल्के सुनहरे भूरे रंग का
  • सुनहरा भूरा
  • सुन्दर


  • सुनहरे बालोंवाला

blonde Definition

  • (of hair) fair or pale yellow. ( (बालों का) गोरा या पीला पीला। )

blonde Example

  • She had pale, ashy blonde hair, of frail build with fair skin and sky blue eyes. ( वह निष्पक्ष त्वचा और आकाश नीली आंखों के साथ कमजोर निर्माण के पीले, अशोभित बाल थे। )
  • My boss, a young blonde woman who always wore a tuxedo-style business suit, stood outside the office, posting a sign. ( मेरे बॉस, एक युवा गोरी महिला, जो हमेशा एक टक्सीडो-शैली का व्यवसाय सूट पहनती थी, एक संकेत पोस्ट करते हुए कार्यालय के बाहर खड़ा था। )
  • As is typical, there's some Icelandic blonde on the cover, but I didn't recognize her. ( जैसा कि विशिष्ट है, कवर पर कुछ आइसलैंडिक गोरा है, लेकिन मैंने उसे नहीं पहचाना। )
  • When she finally found her seat (it was in the front row), a pale girl with long blonde hair looked up and nodded at her. ( जब उसे आखिरकार अपनी सीट मिल गई (यह सामने की पंक्ति में था), लंबे सुनहरे बालों वाली एक पीला लड़की ने उसे देखा और सिर हिलाया। )
  • Her pale blonde hair fell down her back, in a straight fall. ( उसके पतले सुनहरे बाल सीधे गिरने से उसकी पीठ पर गिर गए। )
  • After all, being a blonde is not really about hair colour. ( आखिरकार, गोरा होना वास्तव में बालों के रंग के बारे में नहीं है। )
  • She was standing in between a Hispanic man and a blonde woman. ( वह एक हिस्पैनिक पुरुष और एक गोरी महिला के बीच खड़ा था। )

More Sentence

  • The blonde man was thrown backwards of his horse; dark coloured steed that refused to panic in the following chaos.
  • There, sitting at the glass table, were three very blonde women.
  • You've taught me a lot about the harmony of colours and I can see that I'm blonde .
  • Turns out they didn't realise Justine is blonde because the band is quite punky and heavy metal.
  • At that moment, a short blonde woman walked into the classroom.
  • The blonde woman looked annoyed, William though looked murderous.
  • With its blue-eyed, blonde haired leads, does the film cast a slight Aryan look?
  • I looked across the table and found a very pretty blonde shooting daggers at me, not literally, but her face looked like it could kill.
  • It looks like the blonde woman was more than a passenger.
  • He had soft blonde hair and fair, freckled skin.
  • I was also offended by the five identical blonde women ready to leap onto the stage after I was turned off.
  • It really didn't matter what you looked like - you could be blonde , blue-eyed or dark-skinned, dark-haired.
  • The glam girl, a short, plain looking blonde , and a rather sloppily dressed, dumpy looking girl with frizzy red hair.
  • He didn't look too pleased, but his partner, a pretty blonde woman, looked very happy that they had potentially saved my life.
  • I mean, it's bad enough the media portrays that we should be blonde , blue-eyed and skinny.
  • Her long blonde hair was so pale that it was nearly silver.
  • She didn't want to loose him to some blonde with big boobs.
  • He played with that idea awhile, coming up with possible scenarios to connect the stocky blonde woman with his current assignment.
  • He had the same pale face and white blonde hair that he had.
  • She had pale blonde hair pulled into a bun and large hazel eyes.
  • Of course I was a blue-eyed blonde baby.
  • I can never picturing myself loving that forty year-old guy who, two years ago, ran off with some blonde , leggy bimbo.
  • He wanted me to have a different kind of a part, not just the beautiful blonde woman.