blockage - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of blockage in Hindi
- रुकावट
- नाकाबन्दी
- घेरा
blockage Definition
- an obstruction that makes movement or flow difficult or impossible. ( एक बाधा जो आंदोलन या प्रवाह को कठिन या असंभव बना देती है। )
blockage Example
- a blockage in the pipes ( पाइप में रुकावट )
- With a heart attack, a blockage causes the flow of blood into the heart to stop. ( दिल के दौरे के साथ, एक रुकावट हृदय में रक्त के प्रवाह को रोकती है। )
- the pumps are prone to blockage ( पंप रुकावट का खतरा है )
- Surgeons scrape out deposits from inside the arteries, clearing the blockage and improving blood flow. ( सर्जन धमनियों के अंदर से जमा को बाहर निकालते हैं, रुकावट को साफ करते हैं और रक्त के प्रवाह में सुधार करते हैं। )
- All the tenants are hoping that once the drain is drilled through and cleared of its blockage , the flooding will not happen again. ( सभी किरायेदार यह उम्मीद कर रहे हैं कि एक बार नाली के माध्यम से सूखने और उसके रुकावट को साफ करने के बाद, बाढ़ फिर से नहीं होगी। )
- This had been washed down by the heavy flow and added to the blockage . ( यह भारी प्रवाह से धोया गया था और रुकावट में जोड़ा गया था। )
- If any water accumulated on the streets, it may be attributed to blockages of the water passage. ( यदि सड़कों पर कोई पानी जमा होता है, तो इसके लिए जल मार्ग के अवरोधों को जिम्मेदार ठहराया जा सकता है। )
- That can be worse if there are blockages where the maintenance has not been as good as it should be. ( यह और भी बदतर हो सकता है अगर वहाँ रुकावटें हैं जहाँ रखरखाव उतना अच्छा नहीं है जितना होना चाहिए। )
- The picture which emerges is that there was no formal procedure for dealing with blockages , practices varied. ( जो तस्वीर उभरती है, वह यह है कि रुकावटों, प्रथाओं से निपटने के लिए कोई औपचारिक प्रक्रिया नहीं थी। )
- The special coating helps improve the blood flow and prevents blockages or blood clots, which can lead to potentially dangerous infections. ( विशेष कोटिंग रक्त प्रवाह को बेहतर बनाने में मदद करता है और रुकावट या रक्त के थक्कों को रोकता है, जिससे संभावित खतरनाक संक्रमण हो सकता है। )
More Sentence
- She will need a further procedure, known as an angioplasty, to clear the blockages .
- As a result, the fatty substance stored itself in her cells, creating blockages around her body.
- Leaves accumulating in gutters can lead to blockages and allow water to seep into roofs.
- He was not given an angiogram, which would have given doctors an accurate picture of blockages in his coronary arteries.
- It is easiest to check for leaks and blockages when it is raining.
- Never attempt to clear blockages until power has been disconnected and watch your hands.
- We also get an additional 3,000 reports of blockages via the Council's hotline.
- The repairs to the houses were for plumbing, leaks, pipe bursts, blockages , electricity and damaged water taps.
- For really bad blockages you may have to repeat this procedure a number of times before the drain is completely clear.
- Angie believes that emotional blockages can manifest into physical problems.
- Law enforcement personnel can use the same information, relayed to them by traffic managers, to clear roadway blockages .
- Negative emotions produce blockages in the energy flow, which results in illness.