blight - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of blight in Hindi
- नुक़सान
- तुषार
- पाला
- नुक़सान
- हानि
- क्षति
- हानि पहुंचाना
- नुक़सान पहुंचाना
blight Definition
- a plant disease, especially one caused by fungi such as mildews, rusts, and smuts. ( एक पौधे की बीमारी, विशेष रूप से फफूंद जैसे फफूंद, जंग और स्मट्स के कारण होती है। )
- infect (plants or a planted area) with blight. ( ब्लाइट के साथ संक्रमित (पौधे या लगाए गए क्षेत्र)। )
blight Example
- Urban blight is cumulative and self-reinforcing; blighted buildings cast a pall on land around them, discourage upkeep, and stifle renewal. ( शहरी दृष्टि संचयी और आत्म-सुदृढ़ीकरण है; भयभीत इमारतों ने अपने चारों ओर की जमीन पर एक पल्लू डाला, जोश में हतोत्साहित करता है, और नवीकरण को रोकता है। )
- Pompeii is an hour's drive away: up over the Chiunzi pass, down through the urban blight of the Sarno plain, and there it is, the world's most famous stopped clock. ( पोम्पेई एक घंटे की ड्राइव दूर है: चिरोंजी पास पर, सरनो मैदान के शहरी ब्लाइट के माध्यम से, और यह दुनिया की सबसे प्रसिद्ध बंद घड़ी है। )
- Other than an awareness of the blight at school headquarters, there is no evidence that these businessmen/reformers have a clue about what is really wrong with schooling. ( स्कूल मुख्यालय में विस्फोट के बारे में जागरूकता के अलावा, इस बात का कोई सबूत नहीं है कि इन व्यवसायियों / सुधारकों के पास इस बात का सुराग है कि स्कूली शिक्षा में वास्तव में क्या गलत है। )
- Although not mentioned on the label, Benlate should also provide some level of control for anthracnose, cane blight , Septoria leaf spot, and raspberry leaf spot. ( हालांकि लेबल पर उल्लेख नहीं किया गया है, बेनेट को एन्थ्रेक्नोज, बेंत ब्लाइट, सेप्टोरिया लीफ स्पॉट और रास्पबेरी लीफ स्पॉट के लिए कुछ स्तर पर नियंत्रण प्रदान करना चाहिए। )
- The blight is actually a fungus called rhytisma acerinum and has infected trees all the way from Ottawa to Barrie to Windsor in the past several years. ( ब्लाइट वास्तव में एक कवक है जिसे रतिस्म एसरिनम कहा जाता है और पिछले कई वर्षों में ओटावा से बैरी से विंडसर तक सभी तरह से पेड़ों को संक्रमित किया है। )
- Botrytis blight , a fungal disease, causes reddish-brown leaf spots and is often the result of damp weather and/or evening watering. ( बोट्रीटीस ब्लाइट, एक कवक रोग, लाल-भूरे पत्तों के धब्बे का कारण बनता है और अक्सर नम मौसम और / या शाम को पानी पिलाने का परिणाम होता है। )
More Sentence
- The Harlem of 1921 was already an urban blight , although only a few years separated these once fine homes from the mansions and townhouses of upper crust New York in those days.
- This city of sinners has been a blight upon the land for too long.
- Instead, it declined precipitously, becoming by the 1990s one of the country's poorest cities and a national symbol of urban blight .
- Disease problems can include powdery mildew, Botrytis blight , aster yellows, leaf spots, viruses and foliar nematodes.
- The barren South Bronx neighborhood that Ronald Reagan visited in 1980 to illustrate urban blight is now a thriving area, with, inevitably, a Starbucks.
- Occasionally they would take to the air to kill people with their knifelike talons and blight the crops with poisonous excrement.
- On a street pocked with dark storefronts, and in a neighborhood with its share of urban blight , the Beachland's neon sign is a beacon.
- I feel duty bound to respond to the marchers who trooped through the capital the other day, bringing the wonderful sights and sounds, and the less wonderful smells, of the country to my patch of urban blight yesterday.
- Sullum makes a good case that urban blight should instead be addressed under the government's police power, which includes the authority to force property owners to eliminate nuisances.
- However, the figures are still dwarfed by the huge scale of the problem of urban dereliction and blight in the area.
- the vines suffered blight and disease
- I was enchanted with Troy when I was growing up, but as an adult I thought I wanted no part of urban blight - until I realized that I couldn't afford the country.
- the city's high-rise social housing had become synonymous with urban blight
- The setting becomes an urban blight , with the Romans as jackbooted thugs and the Jewish leaders dressing suspiciously like the aliens in Dark City, and Judas as a singing James Dean.
- Urban blight and flight is transformed into bustle, bounty, and bidding wars.
- She refers to Aviemore as a diseased blight whose continuing existence diminishes Scotland.
- her remorse could be a blight on that happiness
- the depressing urban blight that lies to the south of the city
- The spray-painted art was considered an urban blight by New York officials, who persecuted the young artists who created it.
- A leafy neighbourhood of detached and semi-detached homes much removed from the urban blight of Scottish cities.
- If there were witches, who could blight your crops, make you sterile, and turn you into a newt just by an incantation or two, then of course we should hunt them.
- Approved for use on stone fruits and almonds to control brown rot, blossom and twig blight , and fruit brown rot.
- She could blight crops as easily as bless them, deliver at a difficult lambing and assist the occasional human birth for those too poor to have a more qualified attendant.
- Even then, local governments didn't have carte blanche; they had to justify the taking as a way to mitigate ‘urban blight .’