blessed - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of blessed in Hindi
- धन्य है
- धन्य
- सौभाग्यशाली
- समृद्ध
- मुबारक
- सुखी
- आशीर्वाद का
blessed Definition
- made holy; consecrated. ( पवित्र बनाया; पवित्रा। )
- used in mild expressions of annoyance or exasperation. ( झुंझलाहट या अतिरंजना के हल्के भावों में उपयोग किया जाता है। )
- those who live with God in heaven. ( जो स्वर्ग में भगवान के साथ रहते हैं। )
blessed Example
- His death is the divine judgment on me and my sins which he, the blessed Lamb of God, took instead of me. ( उनकी मृत्यु मेरे और मेरे पापों पर ईश्वरीय निर्णय है जिसे उन्होंने भगवान के धन्य मेमने के बजाय लिया। )
- It is an example that has connotations of sacredness associated with the blessed tree. ( यह एक उदाहरण है कि पवित्र वृक्ष के साथ पवित्रता के संबंध हैं। )
- We are blessed at Harvard in not having some imported windbag sound off to us in the Commencement exercises in the morning. ( हम हार्वर्ड में धन्य हैं, कुछ आयातित विंडबैग ध्वनि नहीं है जो हमें सुबह के समय अभ्यास में है। )
- The Miles Davis rhythm section were busy men and Pepper was blessed to have such stellar players available for the one day, because the final product is excellent. ( माइल्स डेविस ताल खंड व्यस्त आदमी थे और काली मिर्च को ऐसे तारकीय खिलाड़ियों को एक दिन के लिए उपलब्ध होने का आशीर्वाद मिला था, क्योंकि अंतिम उत्पाद उत्कृष्ट है। )
- From our position in the press box it was difficult to adjudicate on the matter but to the blessed relief of the Kildare camp the decision went their way and the only whistle sounding was the final blast. ( प्रेस बॉक्स में हमारी स्थिति से इस मामले को स्थगित करना मुश्किल था, लेकिन किल्डारे शिविर के धन्य राहत के लिए निर्णय उनके रास्ते पर चला गया और केवल सीटी बजने का अंतिम विस्फोट हुआ। )
- Regardless of these differences: I pray you will be blessed in your practise. ( इन अंतरों के बावजूद: मैं प्रार्थना करता हूं कि आप अपने व्यवहार में धन्य होंगे। )
- As I said, we are blessed in ways but hardship in other ways, so. ( जैसा कि मैंने कहा, हम तरीकों से धन्य हैं, लेकिन अन्य तरीकों से कठिनाई, इसलिए। )
- I cannot think of another artist whose canvases convey so clearly quite what a blessed existence the painter believes he leads. ( मैं किसी अन्य कलाकार के बारे में नहीं सोच सकता जिसका कैनवस इतना स्पष्ट रूप से व्यक्त करता है कि एक धन्य अस्तित्व चित्रकार का मानना है कि वह नेतृत्व करता है। )
More Sentence
- Almighty God, from the moment of our creation, we were blessed to be your chosen servants.
- Surely, it immediately seems ironic they should want to marry, when it is a religious ceremony, being blessed under God.
- Our church communities are blessed by the rich diversity of people that God has created as the body of Christ.
- The final three and a bit furlongs are all down a gentle careering slope which is surely a blessed relief for any horse to encounter after the first two-thirds of the Derby course… well, it was for me.
- Through you, O blessed one, worthy mediator, may we complete the sacrifice!
- A study of the seven-fold occurrence of ‘I am’ in John's Gospel will underline the deity of our blessed Lord.
- She didn't want to be reminded of how blessed her Father's marriage was.
- Is this the marriage that is blessed or the marriage that is on the brink of destruction?
- Yesterday's encounter came as a blessed relief from the build-up in which the football had got lost in a circuitous and ultimately futile debate on what is to be done about sectarianism in our society.
- I was infinitely blessed to get it all, but that leaves me in my present predicament - yamless, on my toes, spinning as fast as I possibly can.
- It brings blessed days of winter release for faculty - time to repossess college towns or neighborhoods from the traffic and crowding of students.
- Country Medicine is easily McCann's best work to date and has led, inevitably, to less of that blessed obscurity.
- My sister is eight years younger than me, and did not have the Jewish education I was blessed to have had.
- Let us look next at the sinless life of the blessed Son of God.
- My grandmother, of blessed memory, had saved her album and gave it to Abie when he reached maturity.
- There was the blessed relief of the run-through shower set up in a bus station half way round; the water bottles snatched up on the run and, above all, the spectators.
- Normally, after two or three hours, I feel a little slip inside and a sense of blessed relief as I realise that the stuck thing has gone down and that equilibrium has been restored.
- The good news for Gators fans is that the team is blessed at line-backer, with stalwarts such as Byron Hardmon, Mike Nattiel and Matt Farrior.
- That was the great line I was thinking of the other day, from Star Trek of blessed memory, of course.
- And there's not a blessed thing wrong with that.
- May you be eternally blessed as a member of our people.
- Though we know we shall die, we are blessed to be ignorant of when or how we shall die.