bizarre - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bizarre in Hindi
- विचित्र
- विचित्र
- अजीब
- अनोखा
- विलक्षण
- बेतुका
- तर्कहीन
bizarre Definition
- very strange or unusual, especially so as to cause interest or amusement. ( बहुत अजीब या असामान्य, विशेष रूप से रुचि या मनोरंजन का कारण। )
bizarre Example
- If the situation appears bizarre at times, it is as if the whole world has gone mad. ( यदि स्थिति कई बार विचित्र प्रतीत होती है, तो ऐसा लगता है जैसे पूरी दुनिया पागल हो गई है। )
- Yet it is the bizarre , unexpected moments in life that are the ones we remember. ( फिर भी यह जीवन में विचित्र, अप्रत्याशित क्षण हैं जिन्हें हम याद करते हैं। )
- His decision to tackle a bizarre range of characters is unusual for someone of his stature. ( वर्णों की एक विचित्र श्रेणी से निपटने का उनका निर्णय उनके कद के किसी व्यक्ति के लिए असामान्य है। )
- Shocked by what she heard, she returned home and told her husband of the bizarre encounter. ( उसने जो सुना, उससे हैरान होकर वह घर लौट आई और अपने पति को विचित्र मुठभेड़ के बारे में बताया। )
- It was a bizarre build up to the goal as again the weather heavily influenced the play. ( यह एक विचित्र लक्ष्य था, क्योंकि फिर से मौसम ने नाटक को बहुत प्रभावित किया। )
- Being pictured as he was might be a bizarre situation but it's par for the course. ( चित्र के रूप में वह एक विचित्र स्थिति हो सकती है, लेकिन यह पाठ्यक्रम के लिए बराबर है। )
- Oh yeah, one of those bizarre little coincidence things happened to me yesterday. ( ओह, हाँ, उन विचित्र छोटे संयोग चीजों में से एक कल मेरे साथ हुआ। )
- You might well be puzzled by this bizarre attempt to create a difference where none exists. ( आप इस विचित्र प्रयास से ख़ुश हो सकते हैं, जहाँ कोई भी मौजूद नहीं है। )
- In the midst of this confessional, parts of his explanation became quite bizarre . ( इस स्वीकारोक्ति के बीच, उनके स्पष्टीकरण के कुछ अंश काफी विचित्र हो गए। )
More Sentence
- It's the fact that he is so bizarre that allows many to conclude that he really isn't doing anything.
- An already enthralling case took a bizarre turn when Anderson entered the witness box.
- No doubt we will hear more about this story in the days to come because it is so very bizarre .
- They were each asked to submit the most bizarre reasons why people wanted to hand over animals to them.
- A few miles to the east, up a steep valley, are a collection of bizarre rock formations.
- For a play involving such grotesque and bizarre subject matter, it sure got a lot of laughs!
- The bizarre exhibition includes a display of British padlocks and some prison menus.
- It's truly bizarre how different people think about similar things at the same time.
- This is a bizarre situation, especially in comparison with the rules of the sea.
- His universe was a bizarre and surreal place but his writing also hinted at serious themes.
- It is quite bizarre that we have failed to give the same attention to the food sector.
- The professor has analyzed a radical hydrocarbon that contains no transition metal but behaves bizarrely , as he explains.
- The results are alternately eerily accurate and bizarrely out of touch.
- This unusual non sequitur represents the high point of bizarreness in this collection of sketches.
- Cornered in the exact positions where our tyranny of silence was instigated, we bizarrely began having an everyday discussion about the weather.
- I guess the perceived degree of bizarreness of any incident or action is entirely dependent on your own frame of reference.
- Famous for its bizarrely shaped bill, the species is down to less than 500 breeding pairs.
- Recent tragedies have been afflicted with a certain element of bizarreness , hitherto not experienced by humankind.
- Gotta love those moments of total bizarreness .
- Next a 10-foot hammerhead shark, bizarrely beautiful with its jutting eyes, cruised in from my left.
- I heard him say to mother that you must have behaved so bizarrely because you were ill.