bitchy - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bitchy in Hindi
- मादा का
- मादा का
bitchy Definition
- (of a person's comments or behavior) malicious or unpleasant. ( (किसी व्यक्ति की टिप्पणियों या व्यवहार के) दुर्भावनापूर्ण या अप्रिय। )
bitchy Example
- Funny thing, I wasn't all that bitchy or bitter in that conversation, compared to others. ( मजेदार बात यह है कि मैं उस बातचीत में दूसरों की तुलना में वह सब कुतिया या कड़वी नहीं थी। )
- If you do want to judge someone else, then just do it and be a bitch about it because judging others is kind of bitchy . ( यदि आप किसी और को न्याय करना चाहते हैं, तो बस इसे करें और इसके बारे में एक कुतिया बनें क्योंकि दूसरों को न्याय करना एक प्रकार की कुतिया है। )
- I didn't know whether to make a bitchy remark about the large bruise on his forehead. ( मुझे नहीं पता था कि उसके माथे पर बड़ी चोट के बारे में कोई भद्दी टिप्पणी करना है। )
- A series of bitchy comments sent poor George into a massive sulk and he posted a message to say why he would be closing the forum. ( कुटिल टिप्पणियों की एक श्रृंखला ने जॉर्ज को बड़े पैमाने पर बेच दिया और उन्होंने यह कहने के लिए एक संदेश पोस्ट किया कि वे मंच को बंद क्यों करेंगे। )
- I'd rather stay my cynical, sarcastic, socially retarded, bitchy , liberal and satirist self. ( मैं बल्कि अपने निंदक, व्यंग्यात्मक, सामाजिक रूप से मंद, कुतिया, उदार और व्यंग्यकार स्व। )
- Having been surrounded by females my entire life I know a lot more catty bitchy violent women than I do men. ( अपने पूरे जीवन में महिलाओं से घिरी रहने के बाद मुझे पता है कि मैं पुरुषों की तुलना में बहुत अधिक हिंसक हिंसक महिला हूं। )
- This movie has it all - the dorky sidekick, bitchy cheerleaders and an amiable working class. ( इस फिल्म में यह सब है - डार्की साइडकीक, कुतिया चीयरलीडर्स और एक मिलनसार श्रमिक वर्ग। )
More Sentence
- Kim's ears were almost on fire as she heard the vicious, bitchy whispers around her.
- Get set for the most miserable, petty, bitchy and nasty few weeks you've ever experienced.
- Most of the women I like are capable of great feats of bitchy behaviour.
- And and, I love the way you continue being bitchy and real, even when people shoot you down.
- I'm also not surprised that Uncle Phil was always so bitchy , if the first thing he had to do when Will arrived was pay for a nearly two day cab ride.
- They are greedy too, and ask for extra mints, so I have become bitchy and tell them they don't deserve mints.
- Most of all, he learns that women reckon he's cute but self-satisfied, and we learn that women are bitchy and neurotic.
- I don't want to sound bitchy ; there's nothing wrong with her at all, but she is very seventeen.
- This is a bitchy business but he never had a nasty word to say about anyone.
- And most of the time there is genuine cooperation between the sectors, albeit with a lot of bitchy backbiting.
- I had a rehearsal and band meeting and was quite pushy and critical (maybe a bit too bitchy towards Ian).
- However, the sentences she chooses show her to be a shallow, bitchy snob.
- I'm so bitter and bitchy , I can't even be bothered to pun on that last sentence.
- Well, there's always the refuge which Auden so bitchily alluded to in ‘Journey to Iceland’ (and which I first quoted here way back in January).
- Jade has few redeeming qualities and her housemates have at last become aware of her bitchiness and backbiting.
- What makes you and your friends any less bitchy and catty then the girls who's bitchiness and cattiness you talk about all the time?
- Anyhow, I asked and they bitchily replied, ‘It is from a song.’
- ‘I was rather kind,’ I responded more bitchily than I should have done.
- What I am annoyed about is bitchiness and elitism - slating others off because either one perceives them as inferior or superior in some way.
- Pointedly, the book vilifies the usurper Eve but saves its most caustic bitchiness for the bland dilettante-housewife Karen.
- The more sociable stood close to their gallery entrance so that they could gossip bitchily , but quietly, with a neighbouring attendant.
- It's a moderately-interesting tale of bitchiness , cattiness and psychotic behaviour.
- ‘I hope you put a lot of postage on it,’ Windsor bitchily replies.