bespectacled - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bespectacled in Hindi
- ऐनकवाला
bespectacled Definition
- (of a person) wearing eyeglasses. ( (किसी व्यक्ति का) चश्मा पहनना। )
bespectacled Example
- A bespectacled librarian came and sat behind me, commentating on the view throughout the journey for the benefit of his Japanese lady visitor. ( अपने जापानी महिला आगंतुक के लाभ के लिए यात्रा के दौरान पूरे दृश्य पर टिप्पणी करते हुए, एक बेबस लाइब्रेरियन मेरे पीछे आकर बैठ गया। )
- A short bespectacled woman in a laboratory coat greeted them. ( एक प्रयोगशाला कोट में एक छोटी bespectacled महिला ने उन्हें बधाई दी। )
- He was a tall, coltish, bespectacled young man, curiously lovable. ( वह एक लंबा, सांवला, संकोची युवक था, उत्सुकता से प्यारा। )
- Another friend, a bespectacled accountant and reader of science fiction novels, interrupted him. ( एक अन्य मित्र, एक काल्पनिक लेखाकार और विज्ञान कथा उपन्यासों के पाठक, ने उसे बाधित किया। )
- She was, by her own account, ‘a squat, bespectacled child who lived mostly in books and daydreams’. ( वह अपने स्वयं के खाते,, एक स्क्वाट, bespectacled बच्चे, जो ज्यादातर किताबों और दिवास्वप्नों में रहते थे। )
- In hesitant English, the bespectacled Thai man thanks all the foreigners who have helped his community, raising the biggest cheer of the night. ( हिचकिचाहट वाली अंग्रेजी में, बेईमान थाई व्यक्ति ने उन सभी विदेशियों का शुक्रिया अदा किया, जिन्होंने अपने समुदाय की मदद की, रात का सबसे बड़ा जयकार। )
- Her bespectacled child seems little interested in the menu. ( उसका बच्चा बच्चा मेनू में बहुत कम दिलचस्पी लेता है। )
More Sentence
- Bald, bespectacled and soft-spoken to a fault, he looks less hip than shyly professorial.
- The short, bespectacled monk has influence, power, certainly money.
- He's maybe late forties, early fifties, bookish, greying, bespectacled , wispy - perhaps an academic.
- Walking along the sidelines, and later addressing them in the locker room, is a bespectacled white man in his 50s.
- It was a picture of a bespectacled President signing some important looking documents.
- I've noticed I don't really make eye contact with people when I'm bespectacled .
- He's got a certain charm, though, and his podgy, bespectacled appearance puts the audience at their ease.
- A bespectacled couple is slow-dancing in the corner, eyes locked on each other.
- He startled the clerk - who had never been robbed by a small bespectacled white boy before - more than a little.
- At last, she spotted a bespectacled man in the crowd and grabbed his hands.
- After fifteen minutes the train came and Amy piled on with the other bespectacled youths.
- The night is waning when a clean-cut, bespectacled comedian comes on.
- With his bespectacled studious appearance, people often take him for scholar, writer or even a photographer.