benefitting - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of benefitting in Hindi

  • लाभ

benefitting Definition

  • receive an advantage; profit; gain. ( एक फायदा मिलता है; फायदा; प्राप्त करें। )

benefitting Example

  • But the gap between rich and poor countries still remains large and many critics say that free trade policies are benefitting western nations more than developing countries. ( लेकिन अमीर और गरीब देशों के बीच की खाई अभी भी बड़ी है और कई आलोचकों का कहना है कि मुक्त व्यापार नीतियां विकासशील देशों की तुलना में पश्चिमी देशों को अधिक लाभ पहुंचा रही हैं। )
  • The vast majority of patients who might benefit from it do not receive it. ( अधिकांश रोगियों को जो इसका लाभ उठा सकते हैं वे इसे प्राप्त नहीं करते हैं। )
  • Dozens of vulnerable people are set to benefit from a Government cash award of almost £171,000. ( दर्जनों कमजोर लोगों को लगभग 171,000 पाउंड के सरकारी नकद पुरस्कार से लाभान्वित करने की तैयारी है। )
  • It is a common-sense bill that will greatly benefit the dairy industry in this country. ( यह एक सामान्य ज्ञान का बिल है जो इस देश में डेयरी उद्योग को बहुत फायदा पहुंचाएगा। )
  • Primary schools and the wider community will also benefit from the cash. ( प्राथमिक विद्यालयों और व्यापक समुदाय को भी नकदी से लाभ होगा। )
  • For now, it will benefit the nation if there are deliberate steps to create as much awareness as possible for this new initiative. ( अभी के लिए, यह राष्ट्र को लाभान्वित करेगा यदि इस नई पहल के लिए यथासंभव जागरूकता पैदा करने के लिए जानबूझकर कदम उठाए जाएं। )
  • She says competitions and opportunities to exhibit and display artistic work benefit the artist and bring enjoyment to people. ( वह कहती हैं कि कलात्मक कार्यों को प्रदर्शित करने और प्रदर्शित करने के लिए प्रतियोगिताओं और अवसरों से कलाकार को लाभ होता है और लोगों को आनंद मिलता है। )

More Sentence

  • Finalists benefit from the publicity they receive and from the networking opportunities that arise in the course of the year long programme.
  • We need to look beyond that and advocate moves which will benefit the entire nation and not just certain individuals.
  • Schoolchildren are to benefit from better sports facilities - thanks to a Lottery cash boost.
  • Millions of patients who gain weight as a result of taking medication could benefit from research by scientists at Sheffield University.
  • Thanks to the web you can potentially tell millions - and when brands listen, it can bring improvements that benefit everyone.
  • Engineering projects benefit the area and bring more people.
  • A national cultural policy should therefore be put in place without undue delay to benefit the nation.
  • She says it is going to take executives of color to bring about changes to benefit the parity of newsroom diversity.
  • the new road will benefit the local community
  • the bill will benefit Britain
  • The service can only exist on the subscriptions received from households who benefit from the service.
  • they stand to benefit most
  • This indicated that treehoppers benefit from ants in ways other than receiving protection from predators.
  • Rural institutions are less likely to benefit from the advantages offered by information technologies.
  • How do we ensure that these technologies will benefit the developing nations and the poorest farmers and consumers?
  • Hospital patients are to benefit from a more healing environment thanks to a massive cash injection.
  • Even the governor admitted in his state of the state address that there was no evidence that the new bill would benefit the economy.
  • Churches in Bradford are set to benefit from a cash boost from the region's landfill sites.
  • These tax changes should encourage those on lower incomes to save, benefiting the whole nation.
  • Increased economic and trade promotion and cooperation along the border will benefit both nations.
  • Some 29 different policies have been implemented in the Budget that will benefit families in this nation.
  • He hoped that the tribals would benefit from the project.
  • the bill will benefit the nation