beneath - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of beneath in Hindi


  • नीचे


  • नीचे
  • नीचे की ओर
  • तले
  • उतर कर
  • अयोग्य

beneath Definition


  • extending or directly underneath, typically with close contact. ( विस्तार या सीधे नीचे, आमतौर पर निकट संपर्क के साथ। )
  • at a lower level or layer than. ( से निचले स्तर या परत पर। )


  • extending or directly underneath something. ( किसी चीज के नीचे या सीधे विस्तार करना। ) 
  • at a lower level or layer. ( निचले स्तर या परत पर। )

beneath Example

  • Henry VII brought into fashion the concept of the aristocracy; men beneath the king who could court favor. ( हेनरी VII ने अभिजात वर्ग की अवधारणा को फैशन में लाया; राजा के पक्ष में लोग जो एहसान कर सकते थे। )
  • they found another layer beneath the stucco ( उन्हें प्लास्टर के नीचे एक और परत मिली )
  • The summary beneath the map is worth reading for an overview. ( मानचित्र के नीचे का सारांश अवलोकन के लिए पढ़ने लायक है। )
  • Only the right mix of white spirit was required to obliterate the top layer and reveal the hidden work of art beneath . ( केवल सफेद आत्मा के सही मिश्रण को शीर्ष परत को तिरछा करने और कला के छिपे हुए काम को प्रकट करने की आवश्यकता थी। )
  • He had a rather bristly mustache beneath his nose, and walked with the deliberation of a turtle. ( वह अपनी नाक के नीचे एक तेज मूंछें रखता था, और कछुए के विचार के साथ चला गया। )
  • Experts restored a 50-year-old mural found beneath layers of paint. ( विशेषज्ञों ने पेंट की परतों के नीचे पाए जाने वाले एक 50 वर्षीय भित्ति को पुनर्स्थापित किया। )
  • Camille clutched her hands together beneath the covers. ( कैमिली ने कवर के नीचे से एक साथ अपने हाथों को जकड़ लिया। )
  • The degree of that title would depend upon the titles available to the family -- it would not necessarily be the degree immediately beneath the rank of Duke. ( उस उपाधि की डिग्री परिवार को उपलब्ध उपाधियों पर निर्भर करेगी - यह जरूरी नहीं कि ड्यूक के पद के नीचे की उपाधि हो। )
  • And mages were like the kings of magic by the sounds of it, worshipped by the people who ranked beneath them. ( और मग जादू के राजाओं की तरह थे, जो कि उनके नीचे के लोगों द्वारा पूजे जाते थे। )
  • It proposed to effectively place the disabled in a legal status beneath normal people by denying them access to court to get services promised in the legislation. ( इसने कानून में प्रस्तावित सेवाओं को प्राप्त करने के लिए अदालत में पहुँच से वंचित करके सामान्य लोगों के नीचे एक कानूनी स्थिति में विकलांगों को प्रभावी ढंग से रखने का प्रस्ताव दिया। )
  • Once the end fitting had been lowered beneath the level of the gutter by the crane, the tension was taken up again by the cable attached to the reel and the crane disconnected. ( एक बार अंत फिटिंग को क्रेन द्वारा नाली के स्तर के नीचे उतारा गया था, फिर से रील और क्रेन से जुड़ी केबल द्वारा तनाव को फिर से उठा लिया गया था। )
  • Our data consistently indicate that the magmas accumulated and ponded at shallow levels beneath the volcano. ( हमारा डेटा लगातार संकेत देता है कि ज्वालामुखी के नीचे उथले स्तरों पर मैग्मा जमा हुआ और तालाब हुआ। )

More Sentence

  • To enter the job market, many accept lowpaying jobs they would consider beneath them at home.
  • Suddenly, one of the horses stumbled, sending the rider crashing through fallen corn stalks and into a hidden pit beneath .
  • It was buried beneath a layer of dead leaves and twigs.
  • Total bonus paid to staff beneath the grade of senior civil service in the year 2004-05, was £1204719.
  • taking jobs beneath my abilities
  • Her ability to depict the sensual energy she perceives beneath the appearance of a familiar world gives her work its strength and its strangeness.
  • Yes, the process will be overly long, demeaning, and beneath our status as both the hyperpower and the injured party.
  • But I can drill down into non-contiguous deposits next to his and they become my property even if they extend beneath his land.
  • Even beneath the thick cover of the canopy, they could not escape the rain that rolled, gathering drops together, to fall to the ground below.
  • One example is in isolating a person or making him do demeaning tasks well beneath his abilities.
  • But what lurks beneath the surface, beneath the nerdy glasses and throwback hairstyles of this unlikely pair of modern American film icons?
  • They may be obtained in an isolated state by macerating the leaf and peeling off the cuticle so as to expose the layer beneath which is then easily separated into its components.
  • In winter the family would have to dress beneath the bed covers, such was the cold, and frost would make intriguing fan shapes on the windows.
  • Far from being meek, mild and modest, librarians hide beneath their demure appearance hot and passionate personalities.
  • He gives us these familiar, stiff-upper-lip, middle-class characters and then peels away the layers to reveal the pain beneath .
  • As the interview continues in a nearby shop the man returns with friends who stand threateningly outside with weapons barely hidden beneath their jackets.
  • It does remind people that the President has intelligent people working directly beneath him.
  • The other bedrooms are located on the other side of the lower level beneath the master bedroom quarters.