belief - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of belief in Hindi
- धारणा
- विश्वास
- भरोसा
- यकीन
- धारणा
- आस्था
- मत
- ईमान
- श्रद्धा
- प्रत्यय
belief Definition
- an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists. ( यह स्वीकार करना कि कोई कथन सत्य है या कुछ मौजूद है। )
- trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something. ( किसी पर या किसी चीज में विश्वास, आस्था या विश्वास। )
belief Example
- Darren and Lee were resigned to the belief that their side's lead had been reduced to two points. ( डैरेन और ली को इस आशय से इस्तीफा दे दिया गया था कि उनके पक्ष की बढ़त दो अंकों तक कम हो गई थी। )
- Contrary to popular belief , they are actually great as part of a healthy balanced diet. ( आम धारणा के विपरीत, वे वास्तव में एक स्वस्थ संतुलित आहार के हिस्से के रूप में महान हैं। )
- There is a belief that jade improves its appearance through constant contact with the skin. ( एक धारणा है कि जेड त्वचा के साथ निरंतर संपर्क के माध्यम से अपनी उपस्थिति में सुधार करता है। )
- The project is underpinned by a belief that all families need support at some time or another. ( इस परियोजना को इस विश्वास के साथ रेखांकित किया गया है कि सभी परिवारों को कुछ समय या किसी अन्य पर समर्थन की आवश्यकता होती है। )
- I'm afraid to say belief has gone ( मुझे विश्वास है कि विश्वास डर गया है )
- He expresses the belief that the world is based on a delicate harmony which must be maintained in order to keep a state of balance. ( वह इस विश्वास को व्यक्त करता है कि दुनिया एक नाजुक सद्भाव पर आधारित है जिसे संतुलन बनाए रखने के लिए इसे बनाए रखना चाहिए। )
- It is not true, but there are great dangers in the growing belief that it is. ( यह सच नहीं है, लेकिन बढ़ती धारणा में बहुत खतरे हैं। )
- We approach our technology with the belief that it will be the same, but better. ( हम अपनी तकनीक से इस विश्वास के साथ संपर्क करते हैं कि यह समान होगी, लेकिन बेहतर होगी। )
- Contrary to popular belief , simply bringing up suicide will not put the idea in their head. ( आम धारणा के विपरीत, बस आत्महत्या करने से विचार उनके दिमाग में नहीं आएगा। )
- a belief that solitude nourishes creativity ( एक विश्वास जो एकांत रचनात्मकता को पोषित करता है )
- Lindsay Anderson held a passionate belief that cinema could change the world. ( लिंडसे एंडरसन ने एक भावुक विश्वास व्यक्त किया कि सिनेमा दुनिया को बदल सकता है। )
- I've still got belief in myself ( मुझे अब भी खुद पर विश्वास है )
- Religious belief is certainly no barrier to being part of such a project. ( धार्मिक विश्वास निश्चित रूप से ऐसी परियोजना का हिस्सा बनने में कोई बाधा नहीं है। )
More Sentence
- The belief that any society could isolate itself from these consequences is absurd.
- I suppose it is a belief that even if all is lost in this life, not everything is lost.
- Contrary to popular belief , the adverts will not feature a blaring soundtrack or other audio.
- contrary to popular belief existing safety regulations were adequate
- I think I practically grew up with the belief that I will one day have children of my own.
- contrary to popular belief, Aramaic is a living language
- Contrary to popular belief , the bird's nests are not found in the faces of cliffs but in caves.
- As a consumer, it is my belief that you should be able to investigate the background of all that you buy.
- It is the human belief that more technology, and yet more, can cure all our ills which is at fault.
- Don't attempt to capitalise on your mistaken belief that I do not understand this situation as well as you.
- It is their determination to get to work, and their belief that they can get back home, rain or shine.
- It has a reverence for nature, a belief that life energy exists in all things, both animate and inanimate.
- We are all tied to the belief that glasses denote intelligence, while not being a guarantee of it.
- his belief in extraterrestrial life
- At a very early age, I have developed a belief that we all are here to contribute something.
- Contrary to popular belief it is not always the thought of more money that is the main motivator.
- For example, it is the widespread belief that the victims have only themselves to blame.