beetle - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of beetle in Hindi

  • भृंग


  • भृंग
  • झींगुर
  • मोगरी
  • गुबरैला
  • भौंरा


  • लटकना
  • टंगना

beetle Definition


  • an insect of an order distinguished by forewings typically modified into hard wing cases (elytra) that cover and protect the hind wings and abdomen. ( एक आदेश के एक कीड़े को विशेष रूप से हार्ड विंग मामलों (एलिस्ट्रा) में संशोधित किया गया है जो हिंद पंखों और पेट को कवर करता है और उनकी रक्षा करता है। )
  • a tool with a heavy head and a handle, used for tasks such as ramming, crushing, and driving wedges; a maul. ( भारी सिर और एक हैंडल के साथ एक उपकरण, जिसका उपयोग रैमिंग, क्रशिंग और ड्राइविंग वेजेज जैसे कार्यों के लिए किया जाता है; एक मौल। )


  • (of a person's eyebrows) project or overhang threateningly. ( (एक व्यक्ति की भौहें) परियोजना या धमकी पर अधिकता से। )
  • make one's way hurriedly or with short, quick steps. ( जल्दी या छोटे, त्वरित कदम के साथ रास्ता बनाओ। )
  • ram, crush, or drive with a beetle. ( रैम, क्रश या बीटल के साथ ड्राइव करें। )


  • (of a person's eyebrows) shaggy and projecting. ( (एक व्यक्ति की भौहें) झबरा और पेश करना। )

beetle Example

  • In ancient Egypt they worshipped all kinds of creatures even insects and bugs like a scarab beetle . ( प्राचीन मिस्र में वे सभी प्रकार के जीवों और यहां तक ​​कि कीड़े और कीड़े की पूजा करते थे जैसे कि एक भृंग। )
  • Although most of the beetles were dead, a number were still quite active and one beetle climbed onto a film vial in the pan and took flight. ( हालांकि अधिकांश बीटल मृत थे, एक संख्या अभी भी काफी सक्रिय थी और एक बीटल पैन में एक फिल्म शीशी पर चढ़ गई और उड़ान भरी। )
  • Oh, I pop down in the car frequently enough, park by the Spardis, grab some provisions and beetle off back home. ( ओह, मैं अक्सर कार में नीचे रहता हूं, स्पार्डीस द्वारा पार्क किया जाता है, कुछ प्रावधानों को पकड़ो और वापस घर से बाहर निकलें। )
  • Over 1,000 species of beetle and spider have been found, many of which are dependent on the trees for their survival. ( बीटल और मकड़ी की 1,000 से अधिक प्रजातियां पाई गई हैं, जिनमें से कई अपने अस्तित्व के लिए पेड़ों पर निर्भर हैं। )
  • The hard sheath over the beetle 's wings has a waxy surface dotted with tiny nonwaxy bumps. ( बीटल के पंखों के ऊपर के कठोर म्यान में एक छोटी सतह होती है जिसे छोटे नॉनवॉक्सी धक्कों के साथ लगाया जाता है। )
  • Champ was prepared especially for the festival of Hallowe'en when large quantities of potatoes were pounded with a cylindrical wooden implement called a beetle . ( विशेष रूप से हॉलोवे के त्योहार के लिए चैंप तैयार किया गया था जब एक बेलनाकार लकड़ी के कार्यान्वयन के साथ बड़ी मात्रा में आलू को एक बीटल कहा जाता था। )
  • Rare forms of beetle and fly have been known to live there, and it offers a breeding ground for otters. ( बीटल और फ्लाई के दुर्लभ रूपों को वहां रहने के लिए जाना जाता है, और यह ऊदबिलाव के लिए एक प्रजनन मैदान प्रदान करता है। )
  • This tiny black female beetle , the size of a poppy seed, is already spreading in the Great Smoky Mountains. ( यह छोटी काली मादा बीटल, खसखस ​​के आकार की, पहले से ही ग्रेट स्मोकी पहाड़ों में फैल रही है। )
  • This beetle 's black antennae are nearly as long as its body. ( यह बीटल का ब्लैक एंटीना लगभग लंबे समय तक इसका शरीर है। )
  • They can easily slice right though a beetle 's hard armour. ( वे आसानी से सही टुकड़ा कर सकते हैं, हालांकि एक बीटल हार्ड कवच। )

More Sentence

  • He furrows his beetle brows and fixes his stare on the turf in front, indifferent to the periphery.
  • Depending on the beetle pressure in a stand and individual susceptibility of baited trees, attacks may range from unsuccessful or no attack, to successfully mass attacked.
  • Beneath the beetle brow and the thinning combover, however, lurked a singular songwriting talent.
  • It worked perfectly - intensity of light was controlled by pressure on the beetle !
  • He takes out a glass case containing the beautiful beetle , with a golden shell, black spots, and antennae, just as he had originally said.
  • Green June beetles also emerge in July and they also feed on ripe fruit.
  • Insects, especially beetles and ants, are the main food of Downy Woodpeckers.
  • Today being a working day, a couple of utility trucks came beetling down the lane to meet and pass me, driven by a drowsy farm-worker off to start work.
  • These versions of Mr Hyde invariably agree on what he looks like: simian, excessively hairy, thick-lipped, beetle-browed , swarthy, middle-aged, and physically massive.
  • Encouraged by the romantic writers of the nineteenth century, we too find in the life of castle, cathedral, and beetling hilltop towns a poetic refuge from an industrialized world.
  • She was darkly, even beautifully, beetle-browed , a feature that lent determination to her young face from the first hello.
  • It turns out that only some male horned scarab beetles grow long horns and battle for mates.
  • His eyes brightened when he saw Krys's face, his brows beetling when he noticed her worried look.
  • With his massive build, black beetling eyebrows and perma-frown he resembles a pantomime baddie.
  • And off he beetled to the back room he set up a couple of days ago, with a clean workbench and a worklight just right for the assembly of electronic components.
  • His eyebrows beetled , and he slipped into a deep sleep, with the music of Total Package playing in his ears.
  • And then he began pounding on the table like Kruschev, his eyebrows beetling furiously.
  • The examiner was a Dr Bull, an elderly anatomy lecturer of rather Victorian appearance, with mutton chop whiskers and beetling eyebrows.
  • Where the beetling cliff falls sheerly to the seething sea beneath,
  • Alan proceeded to get up from the table without a word and stalk off, his shoulders hunched and his brow beetled .