bearer - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bearer in Hindi
- ले जानेवाला
- धारक
- बैरा
- वाहक
bearer Definition
- a person or thing that carries or holds something. ( ऐसा व्यक्ति या वस्तु जो किसी वस्तु को धारण या धारण करती है। )
- a person who presents a check or other order to pay money. ( एक व्यक्ति जो पैसे देने के लिए एक चेक या अन्य आदेश प्रस्तुत करता है। )
bearer Example
- The bearer check will remain in circulation until January 31, but it does not replace the Zimbabwean dollar. ( बियरर चेक 31 जनवरी तक प्रचलन में रहेगा, लेकिन यह जिम्बाब्वे डॉलर की जगह नहीं लेता है। )
- If you lose a security in bearer form, there is no way to retrieve it - the person who finds it is the proud new owner of your stock. ( यदि आप वाहक के रूप में एक सुरक्षा खो देते हैं, तो इसे पुनर्प्राप्त करने का कोई तरीका नहीं है - जो व्यक्ति इसे पाता है वह आपके स्टॉक का नया मालिक है। )
- I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings ( मुझे खराब ख़बरों का वाहक बनने के लिए खेद है )
- The provision does not assume that, if in its original tenor the cheque is payable to bearer , it cannot be changed to an order instrument by a special indorsement. ( प्रावधान यह नहीं मानता है कि, यदि इसके मूल कार्यकाल में चेक बियरर को देय है, तो इसे एक विशेष इंडोरमेंट द्वारा ऑर्डर इंस्ट्रूमेंट में नहीं बदला जा सकता है। )
- Bills payable to order are negotiated by indorsement and delivery: an indorsement in blank, specifying no indorsee, is payable to the bearer and negotiated by delivery. ( ऑर्डर करने के लिए देय बिलों को इंडोर्समेंट और डिलीवरी द्वारा बातचीत किया जाता है: ब्लैंक में एक इंडोरसेशन, कोई इंडोरसी निर्दिष्ट नहीं करता है, वाहक को देय है और डिलीवरी द्वारा बातचीत की जाती है। )
- The professional ivory hunter generally carried his large medium-bore rifle while on foot and had his gun bearer carry the heavy rifle. ( पेशेवर हाथी दांत के शिकारी ने आम तौर पर अपने बड़े मध्यम-बोर राइफल को पैर पर रखा और अपने बंदूकधारी को भारी राइफल ले गए। )
- Often the bearer of bad news takes a little abuse at first. ( अक्सर बुरी खबरों का वाहक पहले थोड़ा गाली देता है। )
- Two bearer shares were allocated to Hemery and then transferred to trusts of which the two appellants and Baber were settlors. ( हेमररी को दो बियरर शेयर आवंटित किए गए और फिर उन ट्रस्टों को हस्तांतरित कर दिए गए, जिनके दो अपीलकर्ता और बाबर निपट चुके थे। )
- In fact, no such bearer certificate of deposit was ever obtained, but the moneys were released in circumstances in which it was held that both the Perpetual companies and Minters were acting in breach of trust. ( वास्तव में, इस तरह के जमा का कोई भी प्रमाण पत्र कभी भी प्राप्त नहीं हुआ था, लेकिन धन उन परिस्थितियों में जारी किया गया था, जिसमें यह माना गया था कि दोनों सदाबहार कंपनियां और मिंटर्स विश्वास के उल्लंघन में काम कर रहे थे। )
More Sentence
- It should not be surprising, then, that the bearer of the bad tidings that research in psychology does not validate ESP, is usually not greeted with enthusiasm.
- The colourful procession was led by the 1st Huntingdon All Saints' Scout Band, and a flag bearer carrying St George's Cross.
- However, pledges of documents of title and of bearer bonds are excluded from most of the statutory requirements.
- Brennan held $4m of non-traceable bearer bonds, which Banks invested in the stock market via Bank of Scotland accounts and shell companies.
- Mr Wright blew his chance (with a spoonerism) and the line went to the other coffin bearer .
- Rather than shooting the messenger, the Mail has decided to shoot the horse that carried the bearer of the news.
- Because membership shares can't be sold on the open market, they aren't liquid and there is no way to confer upon the bearer expected present value of the firm's future earnings.
- An installment receipt is a corporate security that represents a share held by the bearer but only partially paid for.
- Of course, the paper could still have been a ‘bearer note’ that said: ‘Pay to the bearer one ounce of gold’.
- bearer bonds
- The bank introduced what it calls ‘the bearer cheque’ during the week.
- You can create these wonderful things called bearer shares, which can be essentially two pieces of paper, two shares in a company, and whoever holds those two shares owns the company.
- Regardless of the evidence, the lottery ticket is a bearer note, which means whoever turns in a valid ticket is legally entitled to the winnings, end of story.
- In the summer of 2001, after some fruitless attempts at recovery, the bearer of bad tidings at Murrayfield informed him, erroneously as it turned out, that his playing career was over.
- The fact that a straight bill of lading cannot be treated in the same way as a bearer or order bill of lading does not detract from the fact that the present straight bill of lading meets the legal requirements to be considered as such.
- Each step of the last leg was a drudging journey, the heavy camera bearing down on the bearer 's back.
- Able to operate under most weather conditions on all sorts of terrain, a human bearer can carry 60-80 pounds for fifteen miles in a day.
- The owner is said to have put unreported income in bank deposits or used it to buy bearer bonds.
- promissory notes payable to the bearer
- No one wants to debate the future of Britain, because of another fine old tradition the bearer of bad tidings always got the chop.
- The idea of involving my wife in this little spat that they're having with me because I was the bearer of bad tidings was neither honorable or dignified, quite apart from whether it was legal or illegal.