beak - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of beak in Hindi

  • चोंच

beak Definition

  • a bird's horny projecting jaws; a bill. ( एक पक्षी की सींग का बना हुआ जबड़ा; एक बिल। )

beak Example

  • A jutting beak of a nose, sharp chin and deep-set eyes gave him the appearance of a living skull. ( नाक की नोकदार चोंच, तीखी ठुड्डी और गहरी-गहरी आँखों ने उसे एक जीवित खोपड़ी का रूप दे दिया। )
  • It is hard to know whether towing a diver a short distance does any harm to a suitably sized turtle, but I heard from one of my very warmwater Leaks some years ago of a diver losing a finger to the beak of a big, quick-headed turtle. ( यह जानना कठिन है कि क्या गोताखोर को थोड़ी दूरी पर खड़ा करने से कछुए के आकार का कोई नुकसान होता है, लेकिन मैंने अपने एक बहुत गर्म पानी से सुना है कि कुछ साल पहले एक गोताखोर एक बड़ी, तेज-तर्रार की चोंच में उंगली गंवाता है। कछुआ। )
  • By rapidly opening and closing its beak a bird can alter the damping characteristics of the vocal tract. ( तेजी से अपनी चोंच को खोलने और बंद करने से एक पक्षी मुखर पथ की भिगोना विशेषताओं को बदल सकता है। )
  • When a tui or a bellbird pops open a bud, all four petals spring back, and as the bird inserts its beak into the corolla to drink nectar, its head often brushes pollen onto the receptive stigma. ( जब एक तुई या बेलबर्ड पॉप एक कली को खोलते हैं, तो सभी चार पंखुड़ियां वसंत में वापस आ जाती हैं, और पक्षी अमृत पीने के लिए अपनी चोंच को कोरल में डालते हैं, तो इसका सिर अक्सर ग्रहणशील स्टिग्मा पर पराग को साफ करता है। )
  • ‘Heads’ was the name given to that part of sailing ships forward of the forecastle and around the beak which was used by the crew as their lavatory. ( ‘हेड्स’ सीलिंग के आगे और चोंच के आसपास नौकायन जहाजों के उस हिस्से को दिया गया नाम था जिसे चालक दल ने अपने शौचालय के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया था। )
  • Samshuddin says he watches out for the shape of a bird's tail, beak , nostrils and eyes, all of which have a bearing on singing quality. ( समशुद्दीन का कहना है कि वह एक पक्षी की पूंछ, चोंच, नथुने और आंखों के आकार को देखता है, जिसका गायन की गुणवत्ता पर असर पड़ता है। )
  • I both blind them with my beak nose and am their blind spot. ( मैं अपनी चोंच नाक से उन्हें अंधा करता हूं और उनका अंधा स्थान हूं। )

More Sentence

  • The whole group of servants tried to stifle their giggles but Aimée's mother turned and shot an evil glare at them over her beak of a nose.
  • The main weapon for ramming into enemy ships was the beak of the ship.
  • Do the inhabitants of North Korean gulags take comfort that the hegemonic monster of US imperialism is unable to stick its beak into the criminal justice system they were sentenced under.
  • The Eagle then hit a docked hydrofoil, cracking the beak of its wooden figurehead.
  • Fielding is something beautiful too: crow's beak for a nose, rock star hair, but that of a girl rock star; he could be the great, lost fifth member of The Runaways.
  • His nose is still the defiant beak it was when I first met him, when we were both thirteen and bullied at a new and ghastly school.
  • She was also lucky she didn't have daddy's beak nose that Mauve had.
  • a parent bird with a caterpillar in its beak
  • she can't wait to stick her beak in
  • The designs on Bronze Age metalwork and rock carvings show boats with a beak at the prow.
  • The corvus crashed downward, its beak driving into the other ship's deck, whereupon Roman infantry dashed across.
  • This is enough for Susanna, and she raises her hand gently to halt the turtle and avoid any possible clash between beak and mask.
  • Cyril has stuck his beak in controversy throughout his career.
  • If there are areas that this Government needs to stick its nosy beak into, maybe it should focus on those areas, because many of those people are its own core members.
  • Just above the squid's eyes is a hard ball, called the beak , which creates a slight bulge.
  • You can eat everything on a squid but the beak , shell, and eyes.
  • Using its beak , the bird reached for a bud and gave it a quick twist, which released the four petals.
  • The upper and the lower jaws were certainly covered with horny beaks in life, like the beak in turtles and, it can be assumed, in the Triassic rhynchosaurs.
  • Wolfen felt the man would stick out in a crowd like a sore thumb, with his long beak of a nose.
  • Heavy brows converge into a huge beak of a nose which hovers over thick lips smothered by a huge moustache.
  • A more contemporary critical reading of The Nose leads us to Pinocchio, whose own beak was known to grow in proportion to the telling of tall tales.
  • As a trombone player pulls in the slide to make a higher frequency sound by reducing the volume of the tube, so does a bird open its beak and pull back its head to reduce the volume of its vocal tract.
  • Yesterday, on the Edgware Road, I saw an elderly man with an impressive beak of a nose.