baron - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of baron in Hindi
- बरोन
- नवाब
- ताल्लुकेदार
- इंग्लैंड का सबसे नीचे के दर्जे का लार्ड
baron Definition
- a member of the lowest order of the British nobility. The term “Baron” is not used as a form of address in Britain, barons usually being referred to as “Lord.”. ( ब्रिटिश कुलीनता के निम्नतम क्रम का सदस्य। शब्द "बैरन" का उपयोग ब्रिटेन में पते के रूप में नहीं किया जाता है, बैरन को आमतौर पर "भगवान" के रूप में संदर्भित किया जाता है। )
baron Example
- They are being sold by Manorial Auctioneers of London on behalf of Lord Hothfield, a Cumbrian-based baron whose lineage stretches back to the middle ages. ( वे लंदन के मैन्योर ऑक्शनियर्स द्वारा लॉर्ड होथफील्ड की ओर से बेचे जा रहे हैं, जो एक कुम्ब्रियन-आधारित बैरन है, जिसका वंश मध्य युग में वापस फैला है। )
- The previous baron and baroness retired, and so a new baron and baroness were created by the king. ( पिछला बैरन और बैरोनेस सेवानिवृत्त हो गया, और इसलिए राजा द्वारा एक नया बैरन और बैरोनेस बनाया गया। )
- ‘There is one more thing, baron ,’ the Advisor continued. ( 'एक और बात है, बैरन,' सलाहकार जारी रहा। )
- Our heroine goes in search of the fabled Pandora's Box in order to stop a bio-weapons baron opening it up. ( हमारी नायिका एक जैव-हथियार बैरन को खोलने से रोकने के लिए सक्षम पेंडोरा के बॉक्स की तलाश में जाती है। )
- A railroad baron then donated his property on Nob Hill for a diocesan cathedral. ( एक रेलयात्री बैरन ने नोब हिल पर अपनी संपत्ति एक दीक्षार्थी गिरिजाघर के लिए दान कर दी। )
- But as long as I was still a baroness and he a baron , we would have to convince everyone around us that life was perfect. ( लेकिन जब तक मैं एक बैरोनेस था और वह एक बैरन था, तब तक हमें अपने आसपास के सभी लोगों को यह समझाना होगा कि जीवन एकदम सही था। )
- The action centres around a 20-year-old woman who has two loves in life - diamonds and furs - and two lovers - a baron and a maharaja - who provide them. ( एक 20 वर्षीय महिला के आस-पास के एक्शन सेंटर, जिनके जीवन में दो प्यार हैं - हीरे और फरस - और दो प्रेमी - एक बैरन और एक महाराजा - जो उन्हें प्रदान करते हैं। )
- Because they had sworn an oath to their lord, it was taken for granted that they had sworn a similar oath to the duke, earl or baron who owned that lord's property. ( क्योंकि उन्होंने अपने स्वामी के लिए शपथ ली थी, इसलिए यह माना जाता था कि उन्होंने ड्यूक, ईयरल या बैरन के लिए एक समान शपथ ली थी, जो उस स्वामी की संपत्ति के मालिक थे। )
- John said he bought the titles to stop them falling in to foreign hands but would not be calling himself a baron . ( जॉन ने कहा कि उन्होंने विदेशी हाथों में पड़ने से रोकने के लिए उपाधियाँ खरीदीं लेकिन खुद को बैरन नहीं कहा। )
More Sentence
- In one delightful sequence, Bertie urges Churchill to form a new government, but asks that he leave newspaper baron Lord Beaverbrook out of it.
- Even now I hardly care who it is whether it be a baron , a duke, an earl, or a lowly serf.
- Attendants of an earl, viscount or baron wore six rows of curls on state wigs and five on house wigs.
- He had to swear an oath to the baron , duke or earl, collect taxes when told to do so and provide soldiers from his land when they were needed.
- At the college balls held each summer, the female companion of an Old Harrovian or Etonian would, in all probability, be the daughter of a baron or a duke, wrapped in the best silk.
- Jay Gould, the railroad baron , ordered sets of photographs and a Gerome album from Knoedler.
- ‘Your Highness,’ the baron bowed to the duke, stepping aside.
- Marlborough prospered after Charles's victory over the Exclusionists in 1681, becoming a baron in the Scots peerage and colonel of the Royal Dragoons.
- Her parents were a baron and baroness and they had an older son as well that was to inherit the fief.
- Happy is the press baron whose political and business interests work hand in hand - or fist in glove.
- In pretending to be a baron and a countess, the pair pokes fun at rigid class structures and upper-crust, titled society.
- But in February 2004, newspaper baron Lord Conrad Black of Crossharbour received an unusually explicit judicial whipping.
- The building had been around since the end of eighteenth century, planned by Lord Radcliffe, an English baron , who also was one of the first settlers of Greenwood.
- At the funeral of Sir Joshua Reynolds in 1792, his body was borne to its resting place in St Paul's Cathedral by no less than three dukes, two marquesses, three earls, a viscount and a baron .
- a press baron
- But with the aid of a meddling foreign country, the rebellious and discontent barons of that upper part of the country succeeded in receding from Palasar to create their own kingdom.
- He gave fiefs to Norman lords, trying to keep the Saxon barons from becoming too strong.
- Beyond that, there were 10,000 further titles of nobility (chiefs, chieftains, feudal barons and lairds), so that one Scot in 45 belonged to a noble house.
- Somehow reorder the world so that drugs would be treated in the same way as fags - legal but educated against - and the drugs lords and narcotics barons would lose their power.
- Of course the British and the mining barons didn't want to use these materials, and people like Milner didn't want the prefabricated look, so the answer was an architect who could appreciate what was needed.
- All the British press barons have big investments in the United States.