avail - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of avail in Hindi

  • लाभ
  • उपयोग
  • प्रयोजन
  • सहायता
  • लाभ उठाना
  • उपयोगी होना
  • काम आना
  • फल
  • प्राप्ति

avail Definition

  • use or take advantage of (an opportunity or available resource). ( उपयोग (या एक अवसर या उपलब्ध संसाधन) का लाभ उठाएं। )
  • help or benefit. ( मदद या लाभ। )

avail Example

  • my daughter did not avail herself of my advice ( मेरी बेटी ने मेरी सलाह का लाभ नहीं उठाया )
  • he begged her to reconsider, but to no avail ( उसने उससे पुनर्विचार करने के लिए विनती की, लेकिन कोई फायदा नहीं हुआ )
  • the dark and narrow hiding place did not avail to save the fugitives ( अंधेरे और संकीर्ण छिपने की जगह भगोड़ों को बचाने के लिए नहीं हुई )
  • If such action be tainted over much by self-interest it probably will not avail the accused. ( यदि इस तरह की कार्रवाई को बहुत अधिक स्वार्थ से किया जाता है तो संभवत: यह आरोपी को फायदा नहीं पहुंचाएगा। )

More Sentence

  • After the refreshments, the general public were admitted to the field with between 5,000 and 6,000 availing themselves of the opportunity of being present.
  • Until then, it is anticipated that more families will avail themselves of the opportunity to send their children to camp.
  • But it avails little if we reach agreement on this doctrine or that but are in fundamental disagreement about the sacramental nature of the Church in inseparable unity with Christ and the salvation he bestows.
  • If you're not equal in outcome, well that's you're fault - you didn't work hard enough, you didn't avail yourself of our educational opportunities.
  • Of course, none of this careful planning avails me in the slightest if I don't manage to actually write anything.
  • There is a nature trail in the community near my home, which I avail myself of at every opportunity.
  • The visitors were availing themselves of the opportunity to discover the multi-faceted profile of the nation's premier organisation.
  • Some of the women are fully veiled in black, but most seem to be availing themselves of the opportunity to show off their latest purchases.
  • This time around, Daffy seems to realize he's losing the game, but all of his extra caution avails him naught.
  • He has already served substantial time in jail and hasn't availed himself of those opportunities.
  • But their wealth avails them not at all this time.
  • I would urge as many people as possible to avail themselves of the opportunity to sign the petition to ensure that a strongly supported message is sent to Canberra.
  • Neither her Syrian ancestors in Brazil, nor my Dutch-German forebears in the United States could avail themselves of that sort of opportunity.
  • But most Indians don't avail themselves of this opportunity to customize their food intake.