austere - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of austere in Hindi

  • सीधा-सादा
  • कठोर
  • कट्टर
  • सादगीपसन्द
  • कठिन
  • कर्कश
  • तीक्ष्ण

austere Definition

  • severe or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance. ( गंभीर या सख्त तरीके, दृष्टिकोण या उपस्थिति। )

austere Example

  • But I must warn you, once we get past the hallway and into the room, the occupants are rather strict and austere . ( लेकिन मुझे आपको चेतावनी देनी चाहिए, एक बार जब हम दालान और कमरे में घुस जाते हैं, तो रहने वाले सख्त और सख्त होते हैं। )
  • He is not magnetic but on the contrary cold and austere . ( वह चुंबकीय नहीं है, लेकिन इसके विपरीत ठंड और भयावहता है। )
  • Cookie, realizing exactly how her words must have sounded, cracked a smile as well, softening her austere expression somewhat. ( कुकी, वास्तव में उसके शब्दों को कैसे महसूस किया है, यह महसूस करते हुए, एक मुस्कान के रूप में अच्छी तरह से फटा, उसकी अभिव्यक्ति को कुछ हद तक नरम करना चाहिए। )
  • On a technical level, the look of the film is deceptively simple and austere . ( तकनीकी स्तर पर, फिल्म का लुक भ्रामक और सरल है। )
  • Creatures that occupy the Sonoran Desert have evolved over time to survive under notoriously austere conditions. ( सोनोरान रेगिस्तान पर कब्जा करने वाले जीव समय के साथ कुख्यात परिस्थितियों में जीवित रहने के लिए विकसित हुए हैं। )

More Sentence

  • The conditions are austere : one book for ten children, a tiny blackboard and a roof with holes.
  • Church buildings and worship were austere and simple, and the service mainly consisted of lengthy sermons.
  • The budget - the most austere of Bush's presidency - would eliminate or vastly scale back 150 government programs.
  • He was gifted with a great sense of humour, and it was unsuspected by those who did not know him really well because of his austere appearance.
  • His spokesman says the king is a reserved, austere man.
  • He was faulted for refusing to delegate and for favouring incompetent friends, while his austere and overbearing manner led to clashes with state governors and military commanders.
  • What we want is abundant savings and investment in private enterprises, and a lean, austere , low-budget, minimal government.
  • Harris's influence, however, isn't apparent in the serious, austere and occasionally beautiful music on this disk.
  • Justinian led an austere life, working hard for long hours and expecting the same of subordinates.
  • The last thing I could remember is the physician giving me an anesthetic shot and Matik's austere expression.
  • But he insisted that he was trying to return to the traditions of Gladstone's austere Victorian budgets - fairer and simpler taxes, and tight control on spending.
  • The compound loomed in front of him, the cement walls austere and forbidding.
  • Here is something designed to be functional and austere .
  • During her month in the 1950s, Hina had to endure strict discipline, austere meals, outdoor swimming and incessant tests.
  • Even rich countries like Canada have been forced to adopt austere budget policies to cope with currency-induced turmoil.
  • These pieces are austere and unadorned in a way that I'd associate with Shaker simplicity and grace.
  • Peter expected high standards, but his sometimes austere manner veiled a deep concern for people and an insight into the human condition.
  • Hard-edged surfaces can make bathrooms seem cold and austere .
  • What may have compelled such austere policies?
  • Obvious concern was etched on her face, making it loose its austere quality.
  • We inherited those austere policies and the consequences of them.
  • Like much of the liturgical music of the Orthodox tradition, Tavener's music is intentionally simple and even austere .
  • Here in Brazil, he has defended austere monetary and fiscal policies, and externally he is seen as the champion of the poor.
  • Bresson developed an austere formalist style that placed him in a pivotal role in the development of modern cinema.
  • Discipline will be strict, meals will be austere and she will be allowed to write to her family only once a week.