attraction - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of attraction in Hindi

  • आकर्षण
  • प्रलोभन
  • लुभाव
  • विकर्षण

attraction Definition

  • the action or power of evoking interest, pleasure, or liking for someone or something. ( ब्याज, खुशी, या किसी या किसी चीज़ के लिए पसंद करने की क्रिया या शक्ति। )

attraction Example

  • Knock Museum continues to be a popular attraction for many visitors to the area. ( नॉक संग्रहालय क्षेत्र के कई आगंतुकों के लिए एक लोकप्रिय आकर्षण बना हुआ है। )
  • Things I want in a relationship: intelligence, physical attraction , reciprocal love. ( ऐसी चीज़ें जो मैं किसी रिश्ते में चाहता हूँ: बुद्धिमत्ता, शारीरिक आकर्षण, पारस्परिक प्रेम। )
  • she has very romantic ideas about sexual attraction ( यौन आकर्षण के बारे में उनके बहुत रोमांटिक विचार हैं )
  • The gravitational attraction between the two might follow a force law that differs from Newton's law of gravity. ( दोनों के बीच गुरुत्वाकर्षण आकर्षण एक बल कानून का पालन कर सकता है जो न्यूटन के गुरुत्वाकर्षण के नियम से अलग है। )
  • There is no physical contact or obvious sexual attraction in the bath scene. ( स्नान दृश्य में कोई शारीरिक संपर्क या स्पष्ट यौन आकर्षण नहीं है। )
  • I did everything in my power to resist his attraction . ( मैंने उनके आकर्षण का विरोध करने के लिए अपनी शक्ति में सब कुछ किया। )
  • Promoting the town as a tourist attraction is to be one of the council's main objectives over the next 12 months. ( शहर को एक पर्यटक आकर्षण के रूप में बढ़ावा देना अगले 12 महीनों में परिषद के मुख्य उद्देश्यों में से एक होना है। )

More Sentence

  • He had never met the man, but already he could sense his power, his attraction .
  • The power of attraction will only have a chance to work though, if the other partner is open minded and willing to consider something new.
  • she has romantic ideas about sexual attraction
  • No, it was probably only baseless physical, sexual attraction .
  • There are ambitious plans for the future and the entire park, when fully developed, will be a tourist attraction for locals and visitors alike.
  • These can express everything from sexual attraction to intellectual or physical dominance.
  • This electrostatic attraction , called an ionic bond, is much weaker than a covalent bond of shared electrons.
  • In science, Newton's laws for falling objects were based on the concept of gravitational attraction .
  • As an exercise you might try computing the electrostatic attraction between an electron and a proton and compare it with the gravitational attraction .
  • In reaching the agreement the council will encourage the ‘environmentally sensitive’ development of the farm as a tourist attraction .
  • The way I feel about her goes way beyond physical attraction .
  • Because of course pheromones, as you probably already know, stimulate sexual attraction .
  • Those bold moves helped to revitalise the city as a visitor attraction and shopping centre, and many other towns and cities followed suit.
  • The electrical attraction between a proton and an electron is forty powers of ten stronger than their gravitational attraction .
  • In acknowledging its attraction we diminish its power.
  • the church is the town's main tourist attraction
  • This was physical attraction , sexual temptation, nothing more.
  • Gravitational forces of attraction always exist between two objects of any mass, but it takes an object as large as a planet for this force to become noticeable.
  • In many towns and villages, such a house acts not only as a place to live, but also as a tourist attraction , bringing visitors in their droves.
  • The second force, which balances the gravitational attraction , is known as the centripetal force.
  • The forces of attraction between ions in an ionic compound are very strong.
  • But gravitational attraction depends on distance and mass.
  • The province was a tourist attraction and the home area of many political and business leaders.