atrophy - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of atrophy in Hindi

  • शोष
  • अपक्षय
  • क्षय
  • अपकर्ष

atrophy Definition


  • (of body tissue or an organ) waste away, typically due to the degeneration of cells, or become vestigial during evolution. ( (शरीर के ऊतकों या किसी अंग का) बर्बाद हो जाना, आमतौर पर कोशिकाओं के अध: पतन के कारण, या विकास के दौरान वेस्टीज हो जाता है। )
  • gradually decline in effectiveness or vigor due to underuse or neglect. ( धीरे-धीरे प्रभाव या उपेक्षा की वजह से प्रभाव में गिरावट या उपेक्षा। )


  • the process of atrophying or state of having atrophied. ( Atrophying या होने की अवस्था की प्रक्रिया। )

atrophy Example

  • The pelvic examination should include an evaluation for inflammation, infection and atrophy . ( श्रोणि परीक्षा में सूजन, संक्रमण और शोष के लिए एक मूल्यांकन शामिल होना चाहिए। )
  • ‘As with any organic being after death, tissues will decompose and the body will atrophy , making actual measurements change over time,’ Holyoak said. ( होलियोक ने कहा कि मृत्यु के बाद किसी भी कार्बनिक के साथ, ऊतकों का विघटन होगा और शरीर शोष करेगा, वास्तविक माप समय के साथ बदलते हैं। )
  • There would be a flurry of coding and decoding activity in time of war, but with the coming of peace, cryptographic knowledge and skills would atrophy and have to be relearned again at the next outbreak of hostilities. ( युद्ध के समय में कोडिंग और डिकोडिंग गतिविधि की एक हड़बड़ी होगी, लेकिन शांति के आने के साथ, क्रिप्टोग्राफ़िक ज्ञान और कौशल शोष करेंगे और शत्रुता के अगले प्रकोप पर फिर से जारी करना होगा। )
  • the imagination can atrophy from lack of use ( कल्पना उपयोग की कमी से शोष कर सकती है )
  • Decreased grip strength may result in loss of dexterity, and thenar muscle atrophy may develop if the syndrome is severe. ( कम पकड़ की ताकत से निपुणता की हानि हो सकती है, और तत्कालीन मांसपेशी शोष विकसित हो सकता है यदि सिंड्रोम गंभीर है। )

More Sentence

  • For creativity is a muscle that must be worked or it will gradually atrophy and wither.
  • Patients who are overweight often suffer from muscle atrophy caused by inactivity, which worsens back symptoms and problems.
  • gastric atrophy
  • MRI reveals relative atrophy of the frontal lobes and the anterior temporal lobes.
  • Lack of gravitational forces leads to muscle atrophy , decreased muscle tone and strength, and neuromuscular changes (eg, fatigue, slowed tendon reflexes).
  • It has been theorized that changes in everyday experiences and activity patterns may result in disuse and consequent atrophy of cognitive processes and skills.
  • extensive TV viewing may lead to atrophy of children's imaginations
  • Potential complications associated with long-term steroid use are atrophy , steroid-induced acne, rosacea, and striae.
  • In addition, your muscles might atrophy and you could have trouble walking.
  • It usually presents with pain and muscle weakness with atrophy in the shoulder girdle.
  • This loss occurs because of quadricep inhibition, which then leads to muscle atrophy .
  • As the body ages, muscles begin to atrophy , slowly being replaced by fat.
  • The main goal is for him to regain strength in his shoulder, back and upper arm because the muscles could atrophy from non-use.
  • Evaluation of the wrist should begin with identifying erythema, swelling, masses, skin lesions, muscle atrophy , contractures, scars, or other obvious deformities.
  • Repair within three weeks of injury is recommended to avoid tendon retraction, reinjury, tendon degeneration and muscle atrophy .
  • without exercise, the muscles will atrophy
  • Extended periods in low or zero gravity take their toll on the human body: bones begin to decalcify as they experience less stress, and muscles atrophy , also as a result of disuse.
  • Researchers administered cognitive function tests to 3,734 men, obtained brain images from 574 men, and evaluated brain atrophy in 290 male autopsy results.
  • There's no telling how much further my language skills will atrophy .
  • Physical therapy is directed at preventing atrophy and contractures, and is particularly necessary in patients with calcinosis and muscle involvement.
  • The cells gradually degenerate over a period of time and cause paralysis as muscles atrophy throughout the body.
  • Muscles deteriorate in microgravity conditions; significant muscle atrophy has been seen in humans after only five days in space.
  • Because of atrophy , cervical stenosis, or other conditions, obtaining satisfactory cervical samples from older women may be difficult.
  • This is also called optic atrophy , and may be present at birth or may appear because of a condition such as diabetes.
  • Contrast that reality with the medical profession, say, whose practitioners would soon find themselves uninsurable were they to permit their professional knowledge and skills to atrophy .