associated - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of associated in Hindi
- संबद्ध
- शामिल
- संबंधी
- संगी
- युक्त
associated Definition
- (of a person or thing) connected with something else.
associated Example
- An employee only gets one basic exemption for the same job or the same employer, including any associated employer. ( एक कर्मचारी को एक ही नौकरी या एक ही नियोक्ता के लिए किसी भी संबंधित नियोक्ता सहित एक मूल छूट मिलती है। )
- It is also planned to include some of the associated families as well. ( इसमें कुछ संबद्ध परिवारों को भी शामिल करने की योजना है। )
- A pretty woman was always associated with money, which was thought to be the root of any disaster. ( एक सुंदर महिला हमेशा पैसे से जुड़ी होती थी, जिसे किसी भी आपदा का मूल माना जाता था। )
More Sentence
- He is also associated with the development of a drug called campath, which is more friendly to patients.
- Some political leaders are also associated with these officers.
- A network of associated businesses - from publishing to sugar - help top up the school's coffers.
- They are also associated with different regions in the country.
- They were often associated with prisoners, gangsters and other low-class groups.
- Representatives from various associated agencies and courts from around the country concerned with children's welfare were in attendance.
- Thirdly, about 75 per cent of the firm's deposits were maintained by its shareholders and by its subsidiary and associated companies.
- Yes, most of the companies are now associated with major publicly held mega-corporations and must report much of what they do publicly.
- At the heart of his motivation was a desire to change the stereotype with which he was associated , to force a revision of opinions.
- In some cases this is not that obvious, because they use an associated company with a different name to market the products.
- He's been the biggest operator by far: he and his myriad associated companies; it's quite a network.
- Perhaps it's understandable, seeing as he's associated with one of the grumpiest cultural icons in the history of humanity.
- Rather a string of parent, subsidiary, sub-subsidiary, and associated companies exist behind a single name.
- However, these days he's more associated with New York's downtown scene, where he has become a key player since relocating there in the late 1970s.
- The share of profit from associated companies was down 25.09 per cent to $394.9 million.
- Somehow, they have feelings of solitude and loss after leaving the working environment they were closely associated with for so long.
- Adjustments will be made to these limits where companies have associated companies and for accounting periods of less than 12 months.
- Its subsidiaries and associated companies are located in more than 30 countries.
- Maybe it's a psychological thing, something to do with the dangerous, rugged lifestyle with which he is closely associated .
- One company was tenant and the other, an associated company, was a licensee of the other.
- Do you find casting calls difficult, as you're so associated with her?
- Create an atmosphere for those working in the government and their associated agencies that they are working for the people of Canada, and serve at the pleasure of the voter.
- When the image of a woman is frequently associated with disaster, it also carries more complicated and sacred significance.
- We're wondering if that's still a big hit over there and we are wondering if you're associated with it at all.
- In its natural form it also has a couple of water molecules associated with the molecule.
- One would expect that dragonflies are already flagship species of wetlands and freshwater, with which they are closely associated .
- Are changes to names of associated companies or organizations often the reason for a revision, or is content more important?