ashore - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of ashore in Hindi
- तट पर
- किनारे पर
- तीर पर
- तट की ओर
ashore Definition
- to or on the shore from the direction of the sea. ( या समुद्र की दिशा से किनारे पर। )
ashore Example
- Handing over the helm he directed me close to land, hopped ashore and left us to fate. ( पतवार सौंपने के बाद उसने मुझे जमीन के करीब जाने के लिए, आश्रय को काट दिया और हमें भाग्य पर छोड़ दिया। )
- Mathew and his shipmates recovered the man and his five friends to Hawkesbury and took them ashore . ( मैथ्यू और उनके शिपयार्ड ने उस व्यक्ति और उसके पांच दोस्तों को हॉक्सबरी में बरामद किया और उन्हें अपने घर ले गए। )
- When he was very small a group of Phoenician sailors came ashore for trading and stayed over a year. ( जब वह बहुत छोटा था तो फोनीशियन नाविकों का एक समूह व्यापार के लिए आया और एक साल से अधिक समय तक रहा। )
- In between official duties sailors managed to get ashore to take in the sights of Exeter and Torquay. ( आधिकारिक कर्तव्यों के बीच नाविक एक्सेटर और टॉर्के के स्थलों में जाने के लिए आश्रय प्राप्त करने में कामयाब रहे। )
- He taught them how to approach the whale, iron it, bring it ashore , butcher, render and eat it. ( उन्होंने उन्हें सिखाया कि व्हेल से कैसे संपर्क करें, उसे आयरन करें, उसे राख, कसाई लाएं, उसे प्रस्तुत करें और उसे खाएं। )
- In their voyage through the remote islands and atolls they seldom took the boy ashore , fearing infection. ( दूरदराज के द्वीपों और एटोल के माध्यम से अपनी यात्रा में, उन्होंने शायद ही कभी संक्रमण से डरते हुए लड़के को आश्रय लिया। )
- The prize gives special emphasis to research which improves the management or techniques in sick bays ashore and afloat. ( पुरस्कार अनुसंधान पर विशेष जोर देता है जो बीमार खानों की राख और उजाले में प्रबंधन या तकनीकों में सुधार करता है। )
- Following another night at anchor we conduct another pax transfer ashore . ( लंगर में एक और रात के बाद हम एक और पैक्स हस्तांतरण राख का संचालन करते हैं। )
- Richard was tossed into the sea and spent two hours in the freezing water trying to swim ashore but was constantly beaten back by fierce waves. ( रिचर्ड को समुद्र में फेंक दिया गया था और दो घंटे बिताए थे और ठंडे पानी में तैरने की कोशिश कर रहे थे, लेकिन लगातार भयंकर लहरों ने उन्हें पीटा था। )
More Sentence
- Sailors from the ship also wanted to get ashore during this time to help with the aid and restoration program.
- Before this the staff had only been able to fly ashore for a couple of days' rest on a rotational basis.
- He was rescued and taken ashore to Guatemala by coastguards last year.
- we spent the day ashore
- The day dawned fine and they returned to Shipbuilders Cove and went ashore .
- These can hit the shore within minutes on occasion, and can rush ashore without warning causing immeasurable damage.
- Sailors from Argyll are involved in two projects ashore , the more ambitious one being the building of a health clinic.
- As we scrambled ashore , more experienced sailors were taking to the water with glee aboard a fleet of dinghies and catamarans.
- Vangelis travelled ashore by pulling on the rope attached to the shore bollard and returned by pulling on the rope attached to the ferry.
- Like many of the earlier heraldic flags, it seems that this form of flag originated in military use ashore .
- the seals come ashore to breed
- First and foremost, never, ever leave food aboard a boat that is being stored ashore .
- A volunteer party from Monmouth went ashore when the ship called in at the island during the latest stage of her patrol of the region.
- We go ashore by dinghy at a pretty stone jetty surrounded by dense trees and rhododendron bushes.
- Redwing ordered them to lower the anchor, and they got into the jolly boats and went ashore .
- Then there were the marine corps and army infantry who waded ashore or were landed by air on island after island.
- Due to the situation ashore in Honiara, there has been no shore leave allowed over the two months the ship was there
- This meant that the crew would be ashore for anything up to two months at a time.
- They had suffered only minor shock and injuries and subsequently were transferred ashore .
- Flying low, they not only checked boats afloat, but those stored ashore as well.
- Polystyrene blocks are to be removed from the crew accommodation and the starboard side of the engine room and stored ashore .