arrears - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of arrears in Hindi
- बकाया
- शेष
- ऋणशेष
- बक़ी
- बचत
arrears Definition
- money that is owed and should have been paid earlier. ( पैसा जो बकाया है और उसे पहले भुगतान किया जाना चाहिए था। )
arrears Example
- The company owes six million leva in VAT and a further six million leva in other tax arrears . ( कंपनी पर वैट में छह मिलियन लेवा और अन्य कर बकाया में छह मिलियन लेवा बकाया है। )
- The accountants may not withdraw from the court until all debts and arrears are fully paid. ( जब तक सभी ऋण और बकाया पूरी तरह से भुगतान नहीं किए जाते हैं, तब तक एकाउंटेंट अदालत से वापस नहीं ले सकते। )
- However, the city of New York was about to foreclose on the building for arrears of property taxes. ( हालांकि, न्यूयॉर्क शहर संपत्ति कर के बकाया के लिए भवन पर फोरकास्ट करने वाला था। )
- She had been planning to sell the perfume and use the cash to pay off her rent arrears . ( वह इत्र बेचने और अपने किराए के बकाए का भुगतान करने के लिए नकदी का उपयोग करने की योजना बना रही थी। )
- Camden council, where I live, never tires of bragging of how it evicts people with rent arrears . ( कैमडेन काउंसिल, जहां मैं रहता हूं, कभी भी इस बात की तड़प नहीं करता कि यह किराए के एरियर्स वाले लोगों को कैसे दिखाता है। )
- The report says a record number of people are getting into debt and that the most common debt in Scotland is council tax arrears . ( रिपोर्ट कहती है कि रिकॉर्ड संख्या में लोग कर्ज में डूब रहे हैं और स्कॉटलैंड में सबसे आम कर्ज काउंसिल टैक्स बकाया है। )
- The council is chasing a total of £4.7m in rent arrears throughout the borough. ( परिषद पूरे बोर में 4.7 £ के कुल किराए का पीछा कर रही है। )
- Reducing arrears means more money for services and housing improvements. ( एरियर कम करने का मतलब है सेवाओं और आवास सुधार के लिए अधिक पैसा। )
- They wait until the arrears accumulate before they can take any action at all. ( वे तब तक इंतजार करते हैं जब तक कि इससे पहले कि वे कोई कार्रवाई कर सकें तब तक बकाया जमा नहीं हो जाता। )
- After all, the arrears of rent were quite small compared to the alleged value of the inventory. ( आखिरकार, इन्वेंट्री के कथित मूल्य की तुलना में किराए का बकाया काफी कम था। )
More Sentence
- Because of rent arrears , the district council repossessed the building in 2000.
- There is need to end the problem of housing allowance arrears once and for all.
- York housing chiefs today unveiled plans to make savings by toughening up on the collection of rent arrears .
- He's fallen into arrears , and the mortgage company is repossessing it on Monday.
- She agreed that all the money was now gone but said most of it had gone towards repayment of debts and arrears .
- The level of rent arrears does not, and cannot, affect the level of residents' council tax.
- Two weeks ago the Keighley News revealed that she had stood for election even though she was in council tax arrears .
- he was suing the lessee for the arrears of rent
- One side of the Council is issuing housing benefit, while on the other it takes court action when arrears build up.
- mortgage arrears
- Her arrears dated back several years and had built up because she had struggled financially as a single mother.
- Every two weeks, the council reassesses the balance-sheets on outstanding rent arrears .
- The state tries to beat astronomical child support arrearages - $20,000 or $30,000 in many cases - out of dead broke, unskilled, and unemployed people who just got out of prison.
- There are technical and legal issues with that case where it went from an overpayment to an arrearage .
- The inflated arrearages are created in large part because the child support system is mulishly impervious to the economic realities working-class people face, such as layoffs, wage cuts, unemployment, and work-related injuries.
- When Chen brought the company to the arbitration court last year, he collected about 360,000 yuan of salary arrearages .
- Riddick, his wife and their three children have fallen from the middle class to homelessness because he is forced to pay $1, 400 a month in child support and arrearages .