armlet - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of armlet in Hindi
- बाज़ूबन्द
- केयूर
- बाज़ूबन्द
armlet Definition
- a band or bracelet worn around the upper part of a person's arm. ( किसी व्यक्ति की बांह के ऊपरी हिस्से के चारों ओर पहना जाने वाला एक बैंड या ब्रेसलेट। )
- a small inlet of a sea or branch of a river. ( एक समुद्र या एक नदी की शाखा का एक छोटा सा इनलेट। )
armlet Example
- Tiffany and Company reproduced several pieces from this collection, including an armlet with lion's head terminals that opened with a hidden-spring hinge. ( टिफ़नी एंड कंपनी ने इस संग्रह से कई टुकड़ों का पुनरुत्पादन किया, जिसमें सिंह के सिर के टर्मिनलों के साथ एक शस्त्रागार भी था जो एक छिपी-वसंत झूले के साथ खोला गया था। )
- The skeleton found buried in a grave at Bainesse, a farm near Catterick, wore a jet necklace and bracelet, a shale armlet and a bronze anklet. ( कंकाल के पास एक खेत, बेनेसी में एक कंकाल में दफन पाया गया कंकाल, एक जेट हार और कंगन, एक शाल का कवच और एक कांस्य पायल पहना था। )
- With an angry growl, the officer picked up his jacket, threw it over his shoulder and stuffed the armlet into his pocket before he hurried downstairs. ( गुस्से में बड़े होने के साथ, अधिकारी ने अपना जैकेट उठाया, अपने कंधे पर फेंक दिया और नीचे की ओर जल्दबाजी करने से पहले उसने अपनी जेब में शस्त्रागार को भर दिया। )
- Meanwhile, the Partnership's silks - to be worn by the horse's jockey whenever it races - comprise a red jacket with white hoop, black sleeves with one white armlet on each arm, and a red and white quartered cap. ( इस बीच, पार्टनरशिप के सिल्क्स - जब भी दौड़ते हैं, घोड़े की जॉकी द्वारा पहना जाता है - जिसमें सफेद घेरा के साथ एक लाल जैकेट, प्रत्येक बांह पर एक सफेद बाजूबंद के साथ काले रंग की आस्तीन और एक लाल और सफेद क्वार्टर टोपी शामिल होती है। )
- The discovery of the skeleton - with a jet necklace, jet bracelet, shale armlet and bronze expanding anklet - is regarded as one of the most intriguing. ( कंकाल की खोज - एक जेट हार, जेट ब्रेसलेट, शेल आर्मलेट और कांस्य का विस्तार पायल के साथ - सबसे पेचीदा में से एक के रूप में माना जाता है। )
- The girl looked at Faith and noticed the armlet she was wearing. ( लड़की ने आस्था की ओर देखा और उसने जो शस्त्र पहना था, उसे देखा। )
- She placed her amulet and armlet over the robe, leaving her head bare. ( उसने अपने ताबीज और बाजूबंद को बागे के ऊपर रखा, जिससे उसका सिर नंगे हो गया। )
- Police wearing armlets and LCC school officials saw that an avenue to their platform was kept entirely free for the children. ( आर्मलेट और एलसीसी स्कूल के अधिकारियों को पहने हुए पुलिस ने देखा कि उनके मंच पर एवेन्यू को बच्चों के लिए पूरी तरह से मुक्त रखा गया था। )
More Sentence
- Trying desperately to balance three boxes of healing remedies in her hands, along with a few armlets and a box of food, she began walking towards the transports, already wanting to dump the stuff off.
- For armor she selected a pair of engraved armlets , a light chain mail coat, and a set of shin plates.
- Magnificent bracelets, pendants, necklaces, rings, armlets , earrings, diadems, head ornaments, pectoral ornaments and collars of gold were all produced in ancient Egypt, the land of the Pharaohs.
- The woman was also wearing a simple golden necklace along with golden armlets and a gold circlet around her head.
- Sekher had witnessed troopers gambling away earrings, armlets , statuettes, and small utensils they'd ‘liberated’.
- Gold items like armlets and belt buckles are well in evidence, although only reproductions are on display for the sake of security.
- As his wares were textiles, it was fitting that his breeches were made of something that looked expensive, as was his jewellery: silver filigree bracelets and armlets .
- We also have magical talismans, protective armlets , and other such armor.
- Grave goods included finely crafted gold earrings, beads of gold, and other semi-precious stones, armlets , and rings (five gold rings were found on her left forefinger alone).