armed - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of armed in Hindi
- सशस्त्र
- हथियारबंद
armed Definition
- equipped with or carrying a weapon or weapons. ( किसी अस्त्र या शस्त्र से लैस या ले जाना। )
- having claws, a beak, etc., of a specified tincture. ( एक विशिष्ट मिलावट के पंजे, चोंच आदि होना। )
armed Example
- Its comrades argued openly for their ideas, but at the same time there was a clandestine organisation, assisted by the Russian Red Army, preparing for armed struggle. ( इसके साथियों ने अपने विचारों के लिए खुले तौर पर तर्क दिया, लेकिन साथ ही साथ एक कट्टर संगठन था, जो रूसी लाल सेना द्वारा सहायता प्रदान करता था, सशस्त्र संघर्ष की तैयारी कर रहा था। )
- That said, the detainees may well be innocent of any crime, but to appear at an airbase civil or military armed with notepads and cameras in this environment is daft. ( उस ने कहा, हिरासत में लिए गए लोग किसी भी अपराध के लिए निर्दोष हो सकते हैं, लेकिन इस माहौल में नोटपैड और कैमरों से लैस एयरबेस सिविल या मिलिट्री में दिखना बेवजह की बात है। )
- No one in West Yorkshire Police will be prosecuted over the shooting of a former soldier armed with an airgun, it was announced yesterday. ( पश्चिम यॉर्कशायर पुलिस में किसी को भी एयरगन से लैस पूर्व सैनिक की शूटिंग पर मुकदमा नहीं चलाया जाएगा, कल इसकी घोषणा की गई थी। )
- The protest warriors join anti-war protests in progress, armed with t-shirts and signs that force anti-war arguments to extreme conclusions. ( विरोध करने वाले योद्धा प्रगति पर युद्ध-विरोधी विरोध में शामिल होते हैं, टी-शर्ट और उन संकेतों से लैस होते हैं जो युद्ध-विरोधी तर्कों को चरम निष्कर्ष के लिए मजबूर करते हैं। )
- A crackdown on illegal parking in York will see an army of new-style traffic wardens armed with new powers and digital cameras. ( न्यूयॉर्क में अवैध पार्किंग पर रोक लगाने से नई शैली के ट्रैफिक वार्डनों की एक सेना दिखाई देगी जो नई शक्तियों और डिजिटल कैमरों से लैस होगी। )
- Reacting to the momentum of events, Lenin, from hiding, ordered preparations for an armed insurrection. ( घटनाओं की गति पर प्रतिक्रिया करते हुए, लेनिन ने, छिपने से, एक सशस्त्र विद्रोह की तैयारी का आदेश दिया। )
- Trucks began speeding towards them, carrying men armed with guns and more grenades. ( ट्रकों ने उनकी ओर तेजी से बढ़ना शुरू कर दिया, पुरुषों को बंदूक और अधिक ग्रेनेड से लैस किया। )
- There were mutterings of suing for peace - but as Britons prepared for an armed invasion, intelligence sources abroad detected that their worst fears may not be realised. ( शांति के लिए मुकदमा करने के म्यूटेशन थे - लेकिन जैसा कि ब्रिटेन ने एक सशस्त्र आक्रमण के लिए तैयार किया था, विदेश में खुफिया सूत्रों ने पाया कि उनके सबसे बुरे डर का एहसास नहीं हो सकता है। )
More Sentence
- At my command, our heavy missiles were armed , and we all formed up, including the rookies and our own bomber, and made one last pass at them.
- We descended on the steak like the Swiss army, armed with skewers instead of their multi-purpose knives.
- The only armies we send over are those armed with fiddles, bodhrans, flutes and mandolins.
- Then an open truck drives by carrying eight armed soldiers.
- Soldiers armed with Kalashnikovs and grenade launchers lined the roads into the village.
- In this series, Kathy, armed only with the tools of science, conducts her own experiments, reviews the latest science and checks her findings with colleagues.
- You think the looting, rape and armed terror that emerged within hours in New Orleans couldn't happen elsewhere?
- We weren't really prepared for armed confrontation, so we decided to find another trail.
- My asthma would be classed as mild, but I have fought a constant battle with it, armed with my Ventolin puffer and occasionally steroid medication.
- The essential issue has been the preservation of the ability to resort to armed terror, while limiting their opponents' capacity to respond in kind.
- I answered, pulling the bag of weapons up and taking an armed rifle out of the bag.
- Delegates will be equipped to return to their diocese throughout the continent armed with the ability to evaluate the situation in their region or parish.
- The proportion of troops armed with more accurate, but slower firing, rifles remained low.
- Most days a crowd of desperate Afghans try to cross the fairy castle-like gate, only to find themselves beaten back by Pakistani soldiers armed with sticks.
- The ‘A’ bomb and ‘H’ bomb were not armed until we were ready to drop them on a target.
- Last month Batasuna, a banned party seen as Eta's political wing proposed a new formula for peace talks with the government, raising hopes that Eta might be prepared to end its armed struggle.
- He said any police intervention was likely to have a dire effect because some of the squatters were now armed with automatic firearms.
- The number of reported sexual assaults rose by 150 per cent and the number of armed robberies using firearms was up 67 per cent.
- They knew that some of the people inside of this settlement were armed , and perhaps prepared to use those arms.
- He regards his mail warily and handles packages like armed grenades.
- Two green lights appeared on her HUD indicating that two Hornet missiles were armed and ready to launch.
- In Gujranwala, the marathon armed vigilantes hurled petrol bombs and attacked the participants.