archaic - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of archaic in Hindi
- पुरातन
- पुरानपंथी
- प्राचीन
- आदिम
archaic Definition
- very old or old-fashioned. ( बहुत पुराने या पुराने ढंग के। )
archaic Example
- In short, the modernization of economic structures leads to a rise, rather than a decline, in archaic attitudes of mind. ( संक्षेप में, आर्थिक संरचनाओं का आधुनिकीकरण, मन के पुरातन दृष्टिकोण में गिरावट के बजाय वृद्धि की ओर जाता है। )
- It is full of articles on the origins of words and phrases (from up to the moment new phrases to archaic words that are no longer used). ( यह शब्दों और वाक्यांशों की उत्पत्ति पर लेखों से भरा हुआ है (पल-पल नए वाक्यांशों से लेकर पुरातन शब्दों तक जो अब उपयोग नहीं किए जाते हैं)। )
- The company also plans to pay artists a higher royalty for songs downloaded online, while scrapping archaic methods for calculating Internet sales. ( कंपनी ने इंटरनेट डाउनलोड की गणना के लिए पुरातन तरीकों की स्क्रैपिंग करते हुए, कलाकारों को ऑनलाइन डाउनलोड किए गए गीतों के लिए एक उच्च रॉयल्टी का भुगतान करने की योजना बनाई है। )
- The use of this kind of ‘controlled violence’ may not reflect ‘emotional control’ but archaic attitudes towards physical violence. ( इस तरह की violence नियंत्रित हिंसा ’का उपयोग’ भावनात्मक नियंत्रण ’को प्रतिबिंबित नहीं कर सकता है लेकिन शारीरिक हिंसा के प्रति पुरातन दृष्टिकोण है। )
- You might think this archaic method of blade carry would be confined to dusty museum shelves but surprisingly, a large number of factory and custom knife makers are offering neck knives today. ( आप सोच सकते हैं कि ब्लेड कैरी का यह पुरातन तरीका धूल भरे संग्रहालय की अलमारियों तक ही सीमित होगा, लेकिन आश्चर्यजनक रूप से, बड़ी संख्या में कारखाने और कस्टम चाकू निर्माता आज गर्दन चाकू की पेशकश कर रहे हैं। )
- Most dramatic of all are the tall, enigmatically smiling kouros, which are archaic statues of godlike young men. ( सभी का अधिकांश नाटकीय लंबा, रहस्यमय रूप से मुस्कुराते हुए कौरस हैं, जो कि देव तुल्य युवकों की पुरातन प्रतिमाएँ हैं। )
- Everyone notices all the specialized, archaic and dialect words in these books - catharpings, syllabub, marthambles and the like. ( हर कोई इन पुस्तकों में सभी विशिष्ट, पुरातन और बोली शब्दों को नोटिस करता है - कैथार्पिंग, सिलेबस, मार्शमबल्स और इसी तरह। )
- This city was settled by Phoenicians in the archaic period and it challenged the rising Roman Republic in three wars culminating in its own destruction in the second century B.C.E. ( इस शहर को पुरातन काल में फोनीशियन द्वारा बसाया गया था और इसने तीन युद्धों में बढ़ती रोमन गणराज्य को चुनौती दी थी, जो दूसरी शताब्दी ई.पू. )
More Sentence
- The elegantly run-down synagogue evoked an archaic or abandoned temple from a nearly forgotten age.
- Director of the Scottish Tourist Forum, Ivan Broussine, warned that archaic attitudes were threatening the health of the tourist industry.
- Vamedoe, in analysing ‘Boy Leading a Horse’, says the work had a kind of rigidity that made one think of the early archaic Greek sculptures of youth or adolescence.
- The opposite of modern is not really conservative, but archaic or ancient, or orthodox.
- In any event, the development of pharmacological drugs and community-based programs causes laws on commitment to a hospital to be regarded as archaic vestiges of a bygone era.
- Concerning the archaic period, Reed admits that he is engaging in ‘cautious guesswork’.
- He may not use the archaic term, but we will get the idea anyway.
- By discovering the archaic roots of Indian culture, he came to understand the deep structures of his own national folklore.
- It's an archaic term that first appeared in 1812-and it's erroneously used to describe any lucky bounce, good or bad.
- Many larger vessels were made in this later period in imitation of archaic shapes, originally associated with bronze.
- This is in reference to Gogan's tendency to use traditional verse forms and a plethora of archaic words in his poetry.
- Pursuing a theme of archaic poetry, Xenophanes is the first to reflect systematically on the distinction between human opinion or guesswork and certain knowledge.
- The poems come to us across a great chronological and cultural divide, and the reader is reminded of this fact by the occasional archaic word and by the unusual compounding, both of which impart a faintly disorienting tone.
- Most of the diseases she did not know, and she began to lose hope since most of the writing was ancient and archaic .
- The first two of these are from poems in the style of traditional song lyrics, and thus represent an archaic state of the language preserved in a local dialect.
- Because they are short or perceived as popular, certain archaic words survive in newspaper usage: agog, foe, hustings, scribe, slay.
- ‘The newspaper industry prices itself in a way that is at best archaic and at worst antediluvian,’ he says.
- Arnold captured archaic folk songs of anonymous origin passed on orally through generations.
- A group called the Knights Templars had secretly gathered information, ancient lore and archaic texts.
- It looks back ultimately to the Works and Days of the archaic Greek poet Hesiod.
- He retained archaic word choices and used footnotes to explain the meanings of those words.
- Schaps, however, underestimates the market orientation of Greek agriculture in the later archaic period.