antlers - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of antlers in Hindi

  • सींग
  • बारहसिंगे के शाखादार सींग

antlers Definition


  • each of the branched horns on the head of an adult deer (typically a male one), which are made of bone and are grown and cast annually.

antlers Example

  • The antlers of females are simple and generally smaller. ( मादाओं के सींग सरल और आम तौर पर छोटे होते हैं। )
  • high, with spreading antlers nearly 3 ft. ( ऊँचे, फैले हुए सींगों के साथ लगभग ३ फीट। )   
  • (6) Stalagmite with a few bones and antlers of reindeer, the thickness varying from one to fifteen inches. ( (६) स्टैलेग्माइट कुछ हड्डियों और हिरन के सींगों के साथ, मोटाई एक से पंद्रह इंच तक भिन्न होती है। )
  • It has been noticed at Woburn Abbey that the antlers are shed and replaced twice a year. ( वोबर्न एबे में यह देखा गया है कि सींगों को बहाया जाता है और साल में दो बार बदल दिया जाता है। )

More Sentence

  • This skin, with the skull and antlers, was sent to Paris, where it was described in 1866 by Professor Milne-Edwards.
  • Development of horns or antlers on the frontal bones, and gradual complication of form of antlers.
  • Then the larger reindeer that had lost their antlers started off to make-believe higher lands.
  • The red deer came down to dip his antlers and cool his flanks in the still shallows.
  • In the deer and elk tribe the antlers seem purely secondary sexual characteristics.
  • Farther away the glasses picked out the antlers and head of a small deer, peering above the brush.
  • While he thus examined everything, he spied the antlers of the Stag peeping out of the straw.
  • Within she saw a huge, raftered hall hung with antlers and guns and saddles, pelts, fox-brushes.
  • Yon oak hath reared its rugged antlers thus, Before Deucalion lived, or Daedalus.
  • Lightfoot rubbed his antlers against the trunk of a tree till some of the rags hanging to them dropped off.
  • Lightfoot stamped his feet and with his great antlers thrashed the bushes as if he felt that they were the enemy he sought.
  • This fear of using real antlers appears related to the treatment which was accorded to the bones of deer.
  • How gracefully do those antlers hang over my forehead, and give an agreeable turn to my whole face!
  • From the fact that the bony horn-core of the hollow-horned ruminants first develops as a separate ossification, as do the horns of the giraffe, while the pedicle of the antlers of the deer grow direct from the frontal bone, it has been proposed to place the hollow-horned ruminants (inclusive of the prongbuck) and the giraffes in one group and the deer in another.
  • Whatever be the ultimate verdict, the association of antlers - and these, be it noticed, conforming almost exactly with the forked type characteristic of American deer - with an antilopine type of skull, skeleton and teeth in Merycodus is a most interesting and unexpected feature.
  • Everyone wants my rack ( of antlers ) on the wall.
  • There are some others here with bigger antlers than that one.
  • A moose antler, a rare find, may weigh more.
  • Sometimes both antlers come off with one shake of the head.
  • Coffins, skulls, skins and antlers choke the mean streets.
  • Reindeers are harder, because of their aforementioned legs and antlers.
  • The region's fawn crop and antler development appear good.
  • -- The primary function of antlers is for gaining socialdominance.
  • caribou), which is a larger animal with shorter and more massive antlers, in which the great terminal expansions are in approximation to the brow-tine owing to the shortness of the beam.