answerable - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of answerable in Hindi

  • जवाबदेह
  • उत्तरदायी
  • अनुकूल
  • जवाबदार

answerable Definition

  • required to explain or justify one's actions to; responsible or having to report to. ( किसी के कार्यों को समझाने या उचित ठहराने की आवश्यकता; जिम्मेदार या होने की सूचना देना। )
  • (of a question) able to be answered. ( (किसी प्रश्न का) उत्तर दिया जा सके। )

answerable Example

  • It's certainly a humbler and more answerable question. ( यह निश्चित रूप से एक विनम्र और अधिक जवाबदेह सवाल है। )
  • Question 8 stood alone as the only straightforward, answerable question on the entire ballot, and yet it too was fraught with complexities. ( प्रश्न 8 पूरे मतदान पर एकमात्र सीधा, जवाबदेह प्रश्न के रूप में अकेला खड़ा था, और फिर भी यह जटिलताओं से भरा था। )
  • Otherwise, it was a very answerable paper with a good choice of questions. ( अन्यथा, यह प्रश्नों का एक अच्छा विकल्प के साथ एक बहुत ही जवाबदेह कागज था। )
  • That is a question that the president simply said is not answerable right now. ( यह एक ऐसा सवाल है जो राष्ट्रपति ने कहा है कि अभी जवाबदेह नहीं है। )
  • The question is probably not answerable in any very specific way. ( सवाल शायद किसी भी बहुत विशिष्ट तरीके से जवाबदेह नहीं है। )
  • These questions may never be fully answerable . ( ये सवाल कभी भी पूरी तरह से जवाबदेह नहीं हो सकते हैं। )
  • First, clinicians must convert their need for information in the clinical decision-making process into an answerable question. ( सबसे पहले, चिकित्सकों को नैदानिक ​​निर्णय लेने की प्रक्रिया में जानकारी के लिए उनकी आवश्यकता को एक जवाबदेह प्रश्न में बदलना चाहिए। )
  • If mediocre students pray for easily answerable question papers, the bright ones seek good memory power. ( यदि औसत दर्जे के छात्र आसानी से उत्तर देने योग्य प्रश्न-पत्रों के लिए प्रार्थना करते हैं, तो उज्ज्वल अच्छी स्मृति शक्ति प्राप्त करते हैं। )
  • Science on the other hand normally sticks to the answerable questions, and can afford the luxury of insisting on truth and proof in its reporting. ( दूसरी ओर विज्ञान सामान्य रूप से उत्तर देने योग्य प्रश्नों से चिपकता है, और अपनी रिपोर्टिंग में सत्य और प्रमाण पर जोर देने की विलासिता को वहन कर सकता है। )
  • Instead I argued that such ultimate questions are not answerable , at least by anyone in our contemporary conversation. ( इसके बजाय मैंने तर्क दिया कि इस तरह के अंतिम प्रश्न उत्तर देने योग्य नहीं हैं, कम से कम किसी के द्वारा हमारी समकालीन बातचीत में। )
  • But that conjured up another question, which was not as answerable as the first. ( लेकिन यह एक और सवाल है, जो पहले की तरह जवाबदेह नहीं था। )

More Sentence

  • Obviously some questions may not yet be answerable with the evidence available.
  • One of the intriguing questions, only partly answerable at present, is why the birds migrate at all.
  • The original question posed in the title is not really answerable .
  • If one is confronted by questions and doubts concerning our religious fundamentals, he should have faith that these questions are answerable .
  • The second question is not quite so easily answerable .
  • We stop asking answerable questions, and are left with the important ones; the ones we can't answer.
  • It's an answerable question that no one has ever pressed seriously.
  • Judging by his alchemy and religious writings, which considerably outnumber those concerned with scientific matters, he clearly believed that some of these questions were answerable by other methods.
  • These questions are all answerable , to a considerable degree, through research.
  • The answer is they're not really part of the campaign, so no one knows who's answerable for those ads.
  • But we are in danger of losing the principle, 300 years in the making, that law-makers should be answerable to the people.
  • They are exclusively answerable to Parliament and have to present an annual report on their activity.
  • The institution will be answerable to the Minister of Labour and Social Policy and will implement state policy on social assistance.
  • A government, a cabinet, has to reach collective decisions, and the person in charge - in this case the Prime Minister - must be answerable for those decisions.
  • A weblogger has an individuated track record, has ultimate responsibility for the final form of everything that appears in the main body of his site, and is individually answerable for it.
  • Can I remind her and other members of the Council that they are elected to be responsible to the council tax payers of Bradford and are supposedly answerable to them.
  • Private bus operators are answerable for the loss to the State, students, unemployed and the daily wage earners.
  • It is time to make it answerable for all its actions!
  • However, the bill does not require members to be representative of the local population or answerable to it.