amend - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of amend in Hindi

  • संशोधन
  • संशोधन करना
  • परिशोध करना
  • सुधरना
  • सोधना
  • संशोधित करना

amend Definition

  • make minor changes in (a text) in order to make it fairer, more accurate, or more up-to-date. ( इसे (अधिक) सटीक बनाने के लिए (एक पाठ) में मामूली बदलाव करें, और अधिक सटीक, या अधिक अप-टू-डेट। )

amend Example

  • I will also be seeking to amend the legislation in order to remove the penalties, infringement notices, and prosecution procedures that apply to individuals. ( मैं दंड, उल्लंघन नोटिस, और अभियोजन प्रक्रियाओं को हटाने के लिए कानून में संशोधन करने की भी मांग करूंगा जो व्यक्तियों पर लागू होती हैं। )
  • Commissioner Charlie McCreevy has said he is willing to amend the text to make it clear that conditions and standards for workers will not be affected in any way. ( कमिश्नर चार्ली मैकक्रीवी ने कहा है कि वह यह स्पष्ट करने के लिए पाठ में संशोधन करने के इच्छुक हैं कि श्रमिकों के लिए स्थितियाँ और मानक किसी भी तरह से प्रभावित नहीं होंगे। )
  • In particular, Hawking's own work on black holes (with which Ellis was not directly involved) had progressed faster than they could amend the text. ( विशेष रूप से, ब्लैक होल पर हॉकिंग का अपना काम (जिसके साथ एलिस सीधे तौर पर शामिल नहीं थे) तेजी से आगे बढ़े, क्योंकि वे पाठ में संशोधन कर सकते थे। )
  • It said it has persuaded several overseas companies to amend their websites to reflect UK law. ( इसने कहा कि इसने कई विदेशी कंपनियों को ब्रिटेन की कानून को प्रतिबिंबित करने के लिए अपनी वेबसाइटों में संशोधन करने के लिए राजी किया है। )

More Sentence

  • pressuring Panama to amend its banking laws
  • But the courts have no competence to nullify, repeal or amend the legislation in question.
  • amend your soil with peat moss or compost
  • They could amend that document or leave it as is.
  • It would not be practical for the council to seek to amend the text in the kind of detail required to make the document acceptable.
  • We seek to amend that document in some minor respects.
  • Therefore, it is possible that Spain may amend its legislation within the next two months, but if the case goes to the Court of Justice, the issue could take years to resolve.
  • did she amend her original will later on?
  • This bill also proposes to amend several existing Acts.
  • if you can amend or alter people's mindset
  • Actually, Madison wanted to amend the text of the Articles of the Constitution, rather than tacking on a Bill of Rights and further amendments.
  • Virtually the first act of the fledgling Scottish Parliament was to amend the legislation in an attempt to close this loophole.
  • The government now has a choice: it can vote for the bill as amended or it can reject it.
  • But although it amends the text to include the year, it does not include the date.
  • The bill was later amended and eventually passed, recognizing hockey as Canada's official winter sport and lacrosse as Canada's official summer sport.
  • Since publication, Valder has slightly amended the text of his manifesto, replacing the second last paragraph.
  • Pate says that the document has been amended more than 750 times since 1901.
  • Article authors and amenders get no pay and no public credit.
  • The report also recommended that existing legislation be amended to increase penalties for drunken persons refusing to leave licensed premises.
  • We have today amended the text of the guidance on the Department's website.
  • In this connection, it is suggested that the draft be amended with special articles that would reflect the following provisions.
  • Senator McConnell says it is amendable and debatable.
  • Under this standard, any amendable Constitution makes possible any change whatsoever, since theoretically the Constitution could be amended to implement that change.
  • I am pleased to be able to commend the bill as now amended back to the House.
  • According to Minkova, as long as consumer legislation is not amended and people do not seek their rights on a mass scale, things will not change.
  • Soil amender is a safe and natural substitute for chemical fertilizers.