altogether - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of altogether in Hindi

  • कुल मिलाकर
  • पूर्ण रूप से
  • सर्वथा
  • पूरा हिस्सा
  • समग्रता
  • सब का सब
  • सम्पूर्ण
  • सारा

altogether Definition

  • completely; totally. ( पूरी तरह; पूरी तरह से। )

altogether Example

  • Airline executives had warned that a change in insurance cover might force them to stop flying altogether . ( एयरलाइन के अधिकारियों ने चेतावनी दी थी कि बीमा कवर में बदलाव उन्हें उड़ान भरने से पूरी तरह से रोक सकता है। )
  • The Tory party, of course, have moaned about the expense and hinted that they might abolish Sure Start altogether . ( टोरी पार्टी, निश्चित रूप से, खर्च के बारे में विलाप कर चुकी है और संकेत दिया है कि वे श्योर स्टार्ट को पूरी तरह से समाप्त कर सकते हैं। )
  • So altogether it would take at least two years if everything went well, it would take at least two years to get out of this life. ( तो कुल मिलाकर कम से कम दो साल लगेंगे अगर सब कुछ सही रहा, तो इस जीवन से बाहर निकलने में कम से कम दो साल लगेंगे। )
  • I'm not altogether sure that I'd trust him ( मुझे पूरा यकीन नहीं है कि मैं उस पर भरोसा करूंगा )

More Sentence

  • I stopped seeing her altogether
  • He does the game completion stats for us as well, and altogether it can be quite time-consuming so he does a good job.
  • Interestingly, and perhaps not altogether surprisingly, not everyone has the same appetite for risk.
  • We were ten altogether .
  • I don't think he and my Dad got on all that well, but I'm not altogether sure.
  • altogether it was a great evening
  • I can even handle it if you stop coming here altogether - and believe me, I couldn't always have said that.
  • How many people altogether work in the same organization?
  • But the idea that the danger is so great that it should stop us swimming altogether is preposterous.
  • I should do like certain bloggers I have seen and stop altogether but I'm not sure I could.
  • he had married several times and had forty-six children altogether
  • I therefore felt somewhat of a hypercrit to be making vows in God's house when I'm not altogether sure of my beliefs.
  • In fact maybe you should stop them watching TV altogether and make them get up from that playstation.
  • My barber said I should scratch my head vigorously every now and then and stop using shampoo altogether .
  • And it's also at about this time that I wonder whether to stop watching the news altogether .
  • In future, councils will be given the option of reducing the level of the discount - or stopping it altogether .
  • I'm not at the point where I'm a danger to other road users, if I were I would stop night driving altogether .
  • If we stop stigmatising suicide altogether , where will we end up?
  • Though I am not sure Mr Blahnik altogether approves of that kind of informality.
  • And then there's the question of adjusting for inflation which I am not altogether sure how to go about.
  • Having read this book, I was not altogether sure which age group the author had in mind.
  • Maybe it is about time that smoking at the staff entrance was stopped altogether .
  • In fact, I am not altogether sure that there is much truth at all going around Camps Bay these days.
  • Cllr Brian Stanley said that he was not altogether sure that all the blame lay on her shoulders.
  • After a while, I stop listening altogether , and go into nodding and smiling autopilot mode.
  • Altogether it's one of my absolute favorite movies of all time.