almost - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of almost in Hindi

  • लगभग
  • प्राय:
  • अधिकतर
  • करीब-करीब
  • लग-भग

almost Definition

  • not quite; very nearly. ( काफी नहीं; बड़ी घनिष्टता से। )

almost Example

  • I gave him a bone off of one of the plates earlier as a reward and he almost ate the whole thing. ( मैंने उसे इनाम के रूप में पहले प्लेटों में से एक हड्डी दी और उसने लगभग पूरी चीज खा ली। )
  • By the time my reply was ready to send back almost an hour had passed and it was midnight. ( जब तक मेरा जवाब भेजने के लिए तैयार हुआ, तब तक लगभग एक घंटा बीत चुका था और आधी रात हो चुकी थी। )
  • He is smoking a pipe, and it almost goes without saying that he is wearing a dark suit. ( वह एक पाइप धूम्रपान कर रहा है, और यह लगभग यह कहे बिना चला जाता है कि उसने काले रंग का सूट पहना है। )
  • In fact, what they need almost as much as help with the shopping is someone to chat to. ( वास्तव में, उन्हें लगभग उतनी ही जरूरत होती है जितनी खरीदारी में मदद करने के लिए किसी से चैट करने की। )

More Sentence

  • he almost dropped the bottle
  • They now have to spend almost as much time at the station as they do out on the streets.
  • it's almost over
  • The van almost ground to a halt as it scraped along the passenger side of my vehicle.
  • the place was almost empty
  • On the fifth he drove it in a creek to the left and almost broke his club hacking it out of there.
  • Rachel laughed, almost apologetically
  • It was almost as if the local wildlife had decided to put on a show just to entertain us.
  • it will eat almost anything
  • he almost knocked Georgina over
  • To our west, the great sheet of ice that stretched before us was almost too much to take in.
  • Some of the lads have come and gone, but we've got a hard core who almost always turn up.
  • I almost forgot
  • Add it all up and in almost every city in the UK it is now cheaper to rent than to buy.
  • We had gone out for a couple of hours and when we returned the fire was almost out.
  • There was almost a sense that if we did not say the word the problem would go away.
  • That's the gem that one of her pet dogs almost ate when she lost it in a hotel room.
  • it almost doubled last year
  • She was prepared to put up with almost anything in order not to have to face up to her past.
  • the storm was almost upon them
  • The waters of Loch an Eilean were flat calm and the stillness of the air almost eerie.
  • If you pick up an injury which almost costs you the whole season it is very frustrating.
  • He could sit down with a drawing pad and sketch out almost every movement of a game.
  • It was found almost one in five workers lost at least an hour at work a week because of delays.
  • it was almost all there
  • A guy made a dash for the train door and the door almost closed but he pried it open.