allot - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of allot in Hindi
- आवंटित
- बाँटना
- नियत करना
- ज़िम्मे करना
- आबंटन करना
allot Definition
- give or apportion (something) to someone as a share or task. ( शेयर या कार्य के रूप में किसी को (कुछ) देने के लिए (कुछ)। )
allot Example
- We were then divided into groups and told to allot tasks such as kayaking, snorkelling and archery to various members. ( हमें तब समूहों में विभाजित किया गया था और विभिन्न सदस्यों को कयाकिंग, स्नोर्केलिंग और तीरंदाजी जैसे कार्यों को आवंटित करने के लिए कहा गया था। )
- Intent and effort toward holistic living is more important than trying to allot equal time to different parts of life. ( जीवन के विभिन्न हिस्सों को समान समय आवंटित करने के लिए समग्र जीवन जीने की दिशा में प्रयास और प्रयास अधिक महत्वपूर्ण हैं। )
- Much of the human population there lacks the essentials, so of course homeless dogs and cats are allotted next to nothing. ( मानव आबादी में से अधिकांश के पास जरूरी चीजों की कमी है, इसलिए बेघर कुत्तों और बिल्लियों को कुछ भी नहीं दिया जाता है। )
- She allots roles only towards the end, so that ‘every girl knows the play, and knows it well‘. ( वह केवल अंत की ओर भूमिकाएं निभाती है, ताकि knows हर लड़की नाटक को जान सके, और उसे अच्छी तरह जान सके। )
More Sentence
- Finally, my ears perked when she rattled off our room numbers and allotted our keys.
- They should resign from those positions because the posts were allotted to the party, not to them.
- At that point, if you steal my remote, or my one daily allotted cookie, I will wail on you.
- The first floor is thought to have housed a communal dormitory, with each vicar allotted a bay.
- The report calls for a dramatic restructuring of how aid is allotted in the region.
- One portion of each side of the road is allotted for pedestrians, the other portion for cyclists.
- To answer that question, Snyder told me that she allots two hours a day where she must sit down and write.
- While allotting money to these institutional programs is federally mandated, states are not required to provide home-based alternatives, and many don't.
- They were allotted three meals a day, but there was a catch: their hands never came out of restraints.
- The government too had to be blamed as a portion of the lake was allotted for sale.
- His uncle who has a furniture shop has allotted a table space outside the shop to help him operate from there.
- In all the big swing states, electors are allotted on a winner-take-all basis.
- She made a name for herself in the mid-1990s by charging that MIT discriminated against female scientists, allotting them less lab space and giving them fewer plum assignments.
- Their three-room house was built five years ago on five cents of land allotted by the Government.
- The statistics are difficult to assess as allotting causes of various types of collapse to overwork is medically controversial and often socially embarrassing.
- In an angry outburst against institutions that fleece their students, he argues against allotting different dates to pay fees for different classes.