albino - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of albino in Hindi
- सूरजमुखी मनुष्य
- धवल
- वर्णहीन
- रंगहीन
albino Definition
- a person or animal having a congenital absence of pigment in the skin and hair (which are white) and the eyes (which are typically pink). ( एक व्यक्ति या जानवर जिसकी त्वचा और बालों में वर्णक की अनुपस्थिति है (जो कि सफेद हैं) और आँखें (जो आमतौर पर गुलाबी हैं)। )
albino Example
- Like most Shyonites, she had very pale, almost albino skin and medium-length white hair that fell down to her chin in a straight line; a braid made sure it stayed that way. ( अधिकांश शियोनाइट्स की तरह, वह बहुत ही पीला, लगभग अल्बिनो त्वचा और मध्यम लंबाई के सफेद बाल थे जो एक सीधी रेखा में उसकी ठोड़ी तक गिर गए थे; एक यकीन है कि यह इस तरह से बना रहा है। )
- Huang is an albino who suffers from debilitated eyesight. ( हुआंग एक अल्बिनो है जो दुर्बल दृष्टि से पीड़ित है। )
- However, not all albino mutants are caused by carotenoid deficiencies; defects in chlorophyll biosynthesis would also lead to an albino phenotype, though, not in combination with vivipary. ( हालांकि, सभी अल्बिनो म्यूटेंट कैरोटीनॉयड की कमी के कारण नहीं होते हैं; क्लोरोफिल जैवसंश्लेषण में दोष भी एक एल्बिनो फेनोटाइप का नेतृत्व करेगा, हालांकि, विविपरी के साथ संयोजन में नहीं। )
- The leaves of YG plants are similar in shape to green leaves and are very unlike the elongated leaves of albino plants. ( YG पौधों की पत्तियां हरे रंग की पत्तियों के आकार के समान होती हैं और एल्बिनो पौधों की लम्बी पत्तियों के विपरीत होती हैं। )
More Sentence
- It is indeed an albino , pure white feathers, beak of brownish yellow - and in every other regard a crow.
- Can't you just imagine the wily Texan wrestling with an endangered white rhino and somehow relating his past Tour experiences to getting a friendly mauling from the giant albino beast?
- When the Lady had changed into a rose colored silken night gown with a albino fur overcoat, she slipped into her heavy blankets, and counted the days until she was to be entered into a marriage she did not wish to be a part [apart] of.
- Sandy had never seen Nika's eyes, and wondered sometimes if they were pink, and her friend an albino .
- The fruit shop is OK, more or less, except for the albino hermaphrodite delivery person, and the awful trick all the other people who work there have of smiling so intensely their eyes get squashed shut.
- It was a mutation; White was almost completely an albino , the skin on his body almost devoid of pigment.
- The alb1 mutation is recessive and homozygous albino plants are white and die at the seedling stage.
- The man that she knew as James stood with a golden-haired man who had to be General Ben Karàlüpiàth, a man that she recognised as Dorian Damano and a fourth man with pale hair and skin, almost as white as an albino .
- I saw a child who was albino , the hair like floss, the eyes with points of pink in them that reached up and grabbed my soul.
- Researchers at Jefferson Medical College have used a gene repair technique to genetically change white albino mice hairs to black by correcting a point mutation in the tyrosinase gene.
- The man's eyes where red and his hair was long and white like an albino .
- Several chromosomal abnormalities were observed in the tetraploid albino plants.
- A muzzle poked out, but I was disappointed to see that it was the pink nose of an albino colt.
- It was obvious by her cool gray eyes, almost an albino white, that she was this woman's daughter, since they were a mirror of the woman's.
- Chicago artist Eduardo Kac became infamous last year for ‘Alba,’ an albino rabbit genetically engineered to glow green under blue light
- Hamster mutant Mh V203: microphthalmic eyes with an albino coat color.
- He walks up next to him holding hands with her, a girl of her height who is a total albino , with white skin and hair, and pink eyes.
- It was the albino 's hair that lead Harry Ricketts to [transtasman] rivalry, real estate and beer-drinking.
- Occasionally, the regeneration of albino plants was observed, however, at very low ratios: 0 to 0.1 per embryogenic callus.
- According to Foley, the animal is not a true albino but is merely a lighter color than the average giraffe.
- He was pretty buff; his skin was slightly pale but not that of a usual albino .
- When Winston Foster first hit the scene in the '80s, he seemed adamant on overshadowing his albino features with rude boasts about his sexual prowess.
- an albino tiger
- Since a lack of pigment leaves albinos defenseless against both ultraviolet rays and light; [,] they are subject to severe photophobia and heliophobia (fear of light and the sun) from birth on.
- The Farrelly Brothers are masters of the gross out comedy, but this effort is simply obnoxious and unfunny as it takes cheap shots at race, midgets, albinos and mental illness, along with the usual lavatory humour.
- Some lethal albinos plantlets were produced in vitro; the results obtained from 22 viable hybrid plants are presented.