agrarian - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of agrarian in Hindi

  • कृषि
  • क्षेत्रिक
  • कृषि संबंधी
  • भू-संपदा संबंधी
  • कृषि-संबंधी
  • भूमि-संबंधी

agrarian Definition


  • of or relating to cultivated land or the cultivation of land. ( या खेती की जमीन या जमीन की खेती से संबंधित है। )


  • a person who advocates a redistribution of landed property, especially as part of a social movement. ( एक व्यक्ति जो विशेष रूप से एक सामाजिक आंदोलन के हिस्से के रूप में, ज़मीन-जायदाद के पुनर्वितरण की वकालत करता है। )

agrarian Example

  • Despite mounting calls for agrarian reform and revisions to the 1960 Agrarian Law there has been little headway in the legal field on this subject. ( 1960 के कृषि सुधार और संशोधन के लिए बढ़ते कॉल के बावजूद इस विषय पर कानूनी क्षेत्र में बहुत कम प्रगति हुई है। )
  • Increasingly, government-sponsored agrarian reform initiatives were targeted only for areas where rural unrest or insurgency threatened. ( तेजी से, सरकार द्वारा प्रायोजित कृषि सुधार पहल को केवल उन क्षेत्रों के लिए लक्षित किया गया, जहां ग्रामीण अशांति या उग्रवाद का खतरा था। )
  • When you learn about history you don't hear about medieval agrarian reform do you? ( जब आप इतिहास के बारे में सीखते हैं तो आप मध्यकालीन कृषि सुधार के बारे में नहीं सुनते हैं? )
  • After the harvests were in, this unified production aspect of the agrarian economy came to an end. ( कटाई के बाद, कृषि अर्थव्यवस्था का यह एकीकृत उत्पादन पहलू समाप्त हो गया। )

More Sentence

  • The answers lie in work opportunities in a rural agrarian economy and sparsely populated state.
  • Brazil was a paradigmatic case of urban and rural mobilization during these decades, with agrarian leagues claiming land and labor rights and electorates voting for progressive change.
  • A Presidential Land Review Committee, appointed in 2003, has made specific recommendations on the gender dimensions of the agrarian change and reform.
  • The Minister in charge of rural development and agrarian reform was not even told about the plan.
  • In brief, Kuznets argued that a simple agrarian economy should generally exhibit low income levels and little inequality across groups.
  • Patrilocality involves, a couple residing at the man's home, which goes hand in hand with inheritance - especially in agrarian peasant societies where land is the main productive asset that is inherited.
  • For the foreseeable future the world's economy has to be primarily agrarian .
  • On March 27 urban and rural workers marched demanding agrarian reform and the suspension of a policy of privatizations.
  • The party's internal social programs include improved enforcement of environmental protection laws, addressing the problems faced by indigenous communities, and agrarian reform.
  • At the start of the period the region was overwhelmingly agrarian , with small farmers working arable land in the river valleys, keeping livestock in the meadows, and sometimes working for the lumber industry.
  • The value of acorns as fodder and the tree as timber was significant in the agrarian economy.
  • A far-reaching agrarian reform is also underway.
  • In traditional agrarian life, land was almost never divided, because to do so might imperil the next generation's ability to survive.
  • Especially in the grain-producing areas, peasants were angered by the government's failure to protect them from the consequences of agrarian reform.
  • In the industrialized areas such as Pattaya and Bangkok, it is easy to forget that Thailand is still mainly an agrarian economy, even if telecommunication towers are now appearing in the rice fields.
  • Its economy was predominantly agrarian , farmers being outranked only by warriors among the four traditional classes of society, with artisans below them and merchants at the very bottom.
  • Some 200,000 landless families are squatting in camps beside federal roadways and the landless movement is pressing the President to deliver the agrarian reform he has long promised.
  • According to Minister of Economy Nikolai Vassilev, agrarian land has been separated into 25 million parts.
  • These broad divisions were reflected in kinship practices, women's land rights and agrarian alliances that continue to the present.
  • Following the elections and with no sign of the promised agrarian reforms, movements in the countryside joined the insurrectionary situation in the cities.
  • In particular, the promise of agrarian reform remains unfulfilled.
  • By providing cheap, fast and dependable transport into the interior regions the railway not only opened up these areas to the cultivation of existing crops but also allowed a further diversification of the island's agrarian economy.
  • The world as a whole needs to remain primarily agrarian - but if agriculture is just a business, then the fewer on the land, the better.
  • However, the economy is primarily agrarian , with principal crops of rice, sugar cane, maize, and wheat
  • The agrarian reform train is passing through your village this week.
  • Moreover, why measure pre-Second World War income inequality via the distribution of agrarian property and the quality of human capital?