aftermath - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of aftermath in Hindi
- परिणाम
- दुष्परिणाम
- दूसरी कटाई
- अनुलवन
aftermath Definition
- the consequences or aftereffects of a significant unpleasant event. ( एक महत्वपूर्ण अप्रिय घटना के परिणाम या परिणाम। )
- new grass growing after mowing or harvest. ( घास या कटाई के बाद उगने वाली नई घास। )
aftermath Example
- In early August they commenced the grass harvesting operation on second cut aftermath , with fresh cut grass made available at both milkings to all cows. ( अगस्त की शुरुआत में उन्होंने दूसरी कटाई के बाद घास कटाई का काम शुरू किया, जिसमें सभी गायों को दूध देने के लिए ताजा कटिंग घास उपलब्ध कराई गई। )
- In the aftermath of these two events, she went through a period of anorexia and terrible confusion. ( इन दो घटनाओं के बाद, वह एनोरेक्सिया और भयानक भ्रम की अवधि से गुजरी। )
- The novel follows a farming family's fight for survival in the aftermath of the foot and mouth epidemic. ( उपन्यास पैर और मुंह की महामारी के बाद जीवित रहने के लिए एक किसान परिवार की लड़ाई का अनुसरण करता है। )
- food prices soared in the aftermath of the drought ( भोजन की कीमतें सूखे के बाद बढ़ गईं )
More Sentence
- Shares in London recouped the losses suffered in the aftermath of the attack and oil prices had steadied.
- As silage aftermath becomes available it provides an opportunity to turn attention towards the grazing areas.
- Historically, change has happened only in the aftermath of a major crisis.
- It wasn't just the issue of collusion that exploded in the aftermath of the war.
- She was devastated and traumatised in the aftermath of the landslide.
- In the aftermath of the mudslide major excavation works were carried out on the pitch.
- The international laws that served us in the aftermath of the Second World War are overdue for reform.
- In the aftermath of many storms, the hardest hit areas can have their water mains shut down.
- Milking cows will currently have access to around 130 acres of grazing, which includes 60 acres of pasture that has been grazed since turnout in early May, plus 30 acres of first cut aftermath and a further 40 acres of second cut aftermath introduced in early August.
- The club now hopes to attract new members after many left in the aftermath of the fire.
- Conditions remain tough in the white sands resort in the aftermath of the hurricane.
- Authorities would have new powers to declare a regional state of emergency in the aftermath of a major terror alert.
- There are reports of two controlled explosions in the aftermath of the bombing.
- Somehow, in the aftermath of this shocking event, life has to go on for the couple.
- The mother of a teenager who died following a moped accident is pleading for calm in the aftermath of his death.
- He said that mobile communications crashed in the aftermath of the explosions.
- European leaders made all the right noises in the aftermath of Tuesday's events.
- Those living in the aftermath of a coup d' etat, by contrast, have no expectation of political agency.
- The ultimate concern, however, is to get a country back on to its feet in the aftermath of conflict.
- Counselling in the aftermath of traumatic events can worsen stress and hinder recovery.
- Proper use of slurry and fertilizer are essential to the recovery of silage aftermaths right now.
- Grazing must take priority through the summer months, with the grazing rotations extended across second-cut aftermaths to compensate for slower growth as grass hits the mid-season trough.