affable - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of affable in Hindi
- मिलनसार
- सुशील
- मित्रतापूर्ण
affable Definition
- friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to. ( दोस्ताना, अच्छा स्वभाव, या बात करने में आसान। )
affable Example
- Most obliging and affable we wish him a good finish to the handballing year. ( सबसे बाध्य और मिलनसार हम उसे हैंडबॉल वर्ष के लिए एक अच्छा खत्म करना चाहते हैं। )
- Out of it, Alex should retain his very affable and amiable nature. ( इसमें से, एलेक्स को अपने बहुत ही मिलनसार और मिलनसार स्वभाव को बनाए रखना चाहिए। )
- I know the Irish were traditionally keen on the idea of themselves as affable , sociable sorts. ( मुझे पता है कि आयरिश पारंपरिक रूप से खुद के विचार को मिलनसार, मिलनसार बनाने के लिए उत्सुक थे। )
- Johnny had a warm and affable personality and was renowned as a hard worker. ( जॉनी एक गर्म और मिलनसार व्यक्तित्व था और एक मेहनती के रूप में प्रसिद्ध था। )
More Sentence
- As a player, he was known as much for his toughness and will as he was for his affable personality.
- Pauline was a pleasant, affable and popular lady who was greatly liked throughout the community.
- He is too affable , too open, too ready to volunteer a view on issues that worry or interest him.
- I wasn't intimidated at all, I think because he's so warm and affable and such a generous actor.
- Everyone seemed very pleasant and affable and there wasn't too much in the way of pontificating.
- Usually Eddington is the most affable of colleagues, friendly and very approachable.
- He seems like a very affable , approachable fellow who thoroughly enjoys making movies.
- I have met him several times and find him an affable and friendly person, and a joy to talk politics with.
- He is an affable man, easy to talk to, to sit down with, to rap about policy or just chat shop.
- As it is, you couldn't wish to meet a more pleasant and affable young man.
- He was a charming, affable man who, it was said, defeated his enemies without making any.
- Greece's affable , easy-going ways have long made it a favourite with families.
- Many years ago a very affable councillor approached me to script an election leaflet for him.
- It was easy to imagine a scene in that affable pub on any night, the slagging, the fun.
- Listen to their concerns, Mr President, and be your affable , charming self.
- On-line customers will be able to fully interact with the affable Alex as if talking to another person.
- He strides into the restaurant and greets the waiters affably by name and orders soup and a glass of mineral water.
- But affability , like intelligence, can mask a mean and meager spirit as well as the absence of a sense of proportion.
- A business suit-clad man then greets them, shakes hands affably and makes them sit in comfortable chairs.
- He was a brilliant attorney with a self-effacing kindness and affability unlike any I have ever seen.
- At first the driver and his Arab passengers chat affably enough, chatting loudly over the blaring radio.
- Perhaps his ability to weather the ebb and flow of public fickleness lies in his sheer affability and generosity of spirit.
- The virtue of justice comes wrapped in other tempering traits: gratitude, liberality, affability , and mercy.
- But affability alone does not guarantee success.
- He concurred affably , puckering his lips in thought as he pondered over the last decade's adventures.
- Service businesses must provide their service, whatever it is, efficiently, usually quickly, affordably, and affably .