adjourn - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of adjourn in Hindi

  • टालना
  • स्थगित 
  • स्थगित करना
  • स्थगित होना
  • रोक रखना
  • बन्द करना
  • काम रोकना

adjourn Definition

  • break off (a meeting, legal case, or game) with the intention of resuming it later. ( बाद में इसे फिर से शुरू करने के इरादे से (एक बैठक, कानूनी मामला, या खेल) तोड़ना। )

adjourn Example

  • Judge Simpson agreed to adjourn sentence for four weeks to allow for a pre-sentence report to be prepared. ( न्यायाधीश सिम्पसन ने पूर्व सजा रिपोर्ट तैयार करने के लिए चार सप्ताह के लिए सजा स्थगित करने पर सहमति व्यक्त की। )
  • He said he would refer the issue to the Attorney General for legal advice and adjourn the case until January 31, 2002. ( उन्होंने कहा कि वह इस मुद्दे को कानूनी सलाह के लिए अटॉर्नी जनरल को संदर्भित करेंगे और 31 जनवरी, 2002 तक मामले को स्थगित कर देंगे। )
  • However a judge had to adjourn passing sentence because the defendant must be returned to prison to finish an earlier sentence. ( हालाँकि एक जज को पासिंग सज़ा को स्थगित करना पड़ा क्योंकि पहले की सजा ख़त्म करने के लिए प्रतिवादी को जेल में वापस जाना चाहिए। ) 
  • Judge Roger Scott heard that he was a man of previous good character and agreed to adjourn his sentence for the preparation of various reports. ( न्यायाधीश रोजर स्कॉट ने सुना कि वह पिछले अच्छे चरित्र के व्यक्ति थे और विभिन्न रिपोर्टों की तैयारी के लिए अपनी सजा स्थगित करने के लिए सहमत हुए। )

More Sentence

  • The judge offered to adjourn sentence to allow the defendant to be with his daughter during that time, but he opted for his case to be dealt with.
  • let's adjourn and reconvene at 2 o'clock
  • Judge Gerald Gordon adjourned sentence for reports but warned he would ‘go to prison for some time’.
  • A public inquiry which could have led to the adoption of the plan was adjourned in February so planners could decide on a firm inner boundary.
  • The case was adjourned for a short break when the court heard that both defendants were feeling unwell.
  • Later, the teams and guests adjourned to the specially erected marquee for a meal, refreshments and an enjoyable social evening.
  • Following a quick stop in the local café to greet many parishioners, I adjourned to the quiet of my pastoral study.
  • The magistrates adjourned the case until September 10 for reports.
  • The father-of-two appeared in court last month, but the case was adjourned until yesterday for reports.
  • Ordinarily, no adjournments are granted and there is provision for serving of notices by courier, fax, speed-post, etc.
  • The case was adjourned until December 7 for reports.
  • After Mass all adjourned to Frank's Place where a Four Course Meal was served by Killasser Community Care Group members.
  • Villagers flocked to St Andrew's Church to hear Mr Bambury deliver a sermon from the pulpit, then adjourned to the pub opposite to see Rev Knight run the bar.
  • She appeared at Richmond Court in custody and was refused bail after her case was adjourned until April 24th for reports.
  • Judge John Nixon adjourned the hearing for sentencing this afternoon.
  • At the end of the concert, they adjourned to the bar.
  • The case was adjourned until yesterday after the jury was dismissed for legal reasons part-way through.
  • An inquest was opened and adjourned to a date to be fixed at Barrow Town Hall on Monday.
  • Sentence was adjourned for reports after the jury's verdict and the man was granted bail.
  • Magistrates have adjourned the case until 22nd February.
  • To finish the night off many adjourned to the Dungeon Bar in the basement of the castle for more musical entertainment until the early hours of the morning.
  • Sentence was adjourned for a psychiatric report.
  • At around 2: 15 we all adjourned to the dining room for Christmas dinner.
  • My mom and I completed the tour of the backyard, and happily adjourned to the front yard.
  • Her case is adjourned until July 5 and she is free on bail.
  • The defence asked for time to obtain expert opinion from a US legal expert and the case was adjourned until Tuesday 18 October.