acne - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of acne in Hindi

  • मुँहासे
  • मुँहासा
  • मुंहासा
  • दोड़सा

acne Definition

the occurrence of inflamed or infected sebaceous glands in the skin; in particular, a condition characterized by red pimples on the face, prevalent chiefly among teenagers. ( त्वचा में सूजन या संक्रमित वसामय ग्रंथियों की घटना; विशेष रूप से, चेहरे पर लाल pimples द्वारा विशेषता एक शर्त, मुख्य रूप से किशोरों के बीच प्रचलित है। )

acne Example

  • The same medicines used for acne often work for whiteheads and blackheads. ( मुँहासे के लिए इस्तेमाल की जाने वाली वही दवाएं अक्सर व्हाइटहेड्स और ब्लैकहेड्स के लिए काम करती हैं। )
  • Surely, there are greater crusades in life than fighting acne in adolescence and wrinkles in old age. ( निश्चित रूप से, किशोरावस्था और बुढ़ापे में झुर्रियों से लड़ने की तुलना में जीवन में अधिक से अधिक धर्मयुद्ध होते हैं। )
  • In fact, androgen levels do not correlate with acne severity among people with acne . ( वास्तव में, एंड्रोजन का स्तर मुँहासे वाले लोगों में मुँहासे की गंभीरता के साथ संबंध नहीं रखता है। )

More Sentence

  • Certain occupations and activities seem to favour the formation of comedones or acne .
  • The onset of acne is usually around puberty, but in a minority of cases it may also start in adulthood.
  • There is also no evidence that certain foods, such as fried foods or chocolate, cause or aggravate acne .
  • Around three-quarters of all teenagers and young adults suffer from acne .
  • I have never really suffered from acne , but the skin in these areas is covered in blackheads.
  • Aggressive scrubbing does not affect the oil deep in your pores where acne starts.
  • He was the kind of guy who never had to worry about acne and pimples because he never had them.
  • Laser therapy appears to offer no benefit in the treatment of acne , according to new research.
  • Some dermatologists think that bars of chocolate and greasy fry-ups exacerbate acne .
  • In addition to the potential causes of acne, there are also many myths about what causes acne .
  • Fluctuating hormone levels that normally occur in adolescence can aggravate acne .
  • Anabolic steroids, sometimes used by body-builders, can cause acne as a side-effect.
  • This therapist had suffered from acne as a teen and the spots stayed with her as she got older, albeit to a lesser extent.
  • The glands remain immature until puberty, and it is the secretion of sebum that is associated with pubertal acne .
  • He has straight, mousey blonde hair and a pitted face which suggests he has suffered from acne at some point.
  • You can help prevent acne by gently washing your face twice a day with soap and warm water.
  • My face, neck, back, and chest are free of acne and any other blemish.
  • he was clean-shaven with a face that had been ravaged by acne when younger
  • The arena was ready, beyond was a writhing mass of blazered acned youth.
  • The barman, acned and sneaking drinks behind the bar, watches.
  • One of those clever but acned young men at Central Office has worked out that, after abolishing verbs, the Prime Minister won two landslide election victories.
  • I was paired up with the short, pudgy, acned boy I had stood next to, and Miss Johnson demonstrated the main steps before starting us off.