account - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of account in Hindi
- लेखा
- खाता
- कारण
- हिसाब
- गणना
- वर्णन
- महत्त्व
- रिपोर्ट
- हिसाब लगाना
- महत्त्व देना
- कारण बताना
- गणना करना
- विचार करना
- वृत्तांत
- विवरण
account Definition
- consider or regard in a specified way. ( एक निर्दिष्ट तरीके से विचार या संबंध। )
- a report or description of an event or experience. ( एक घटना या अनुभव की एक रिपोर्ट या विवरण। )
- a record or statement of financial expenditure or receipts relating to a particular period or purpose. ( किसी विशेष अवधि या उद्देश्य से संबंधित वित्तीय व्यय या प्राप्तियों का रिकॉर्ड या विवरण। )
account Example
- That may be of no account in the general scheme of things, but it calls into question the reasons for the Minister's office making such an obvious error. ( चीजों की सामान्य योजना में इसका कोई हिसाब नहीं हो सकता है, लेकिन यह मंत्री के कार्यालय के कारणों के बारे में सवाल करता है। )
- Others are treated as if they are of little account and their views discounted. ( दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार किया जाता है जैसे कि वे कम खाते हैं और उनके विचारों को छूट दी गई है। )
- Even establishment politics was of little account in the small-town press. ( यहां तक कि स्थापना की राजनीति छोटे शहर के प्रेस में बहुत कम थी। )
More Sentence
- a lively account of Offenbach's score
- As with his son, his death was treated as a matter of no account .
- The self-evident fact that the numbers applying for asylum correlate precisely with countries where a dog's life would be a step up is of no account .
- In most cases, that extraneous text will be of little account - but in others, it may be quite sensitive.
- You must pay at least £1, 000 a month into the Moneyback account to qualify.
- another agency was awarded the account
- charge it to my account
- Dr Friedman's report then gives an account of D.'s further experiences while he was in care.
- All round, a flawless account , celebrating a Schubert who is as much the son of Haydn and Mozart as the father of Schumann and Brahms.
- I asked him to put it on my account
- I began buying things on account
- That's especially helpful when I'm taking over an account from another sales rep.
- This has the effect of cutting mortgage interest when your cheque account is in credit, or increasing it when funds run short.
- to open an account with a bank
- a bank account
- His book, Pity the Nation, is an account of the events of those years and his own experiences reporting them.
- he submitted a quarterly account
- to close an account
- What follows is a brief account of my experiences and a reconstruction of some events from discussions with the victims.
- an account of her life
- a detailed account of what has been achieved
- By the time the error was discovered, B had withdrawn the funds credited to his account by the F Bank.
- The clear subtext is that what goes on in the festering ghettos is of no account : just keep it away from us and our children.
- Colin gives his girlfriend and neighbours a detailed account of the court proceedings and events leading up to a murder.
- I have 100 euro in my account
- Worst of all, she treated him like he was of no account at all.
- A reader of this blog sent me an account of his experience of the campaign, and of its effect on voters.