academic - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of academic in Hindi

  • शैक्षिक
  • विद्या विषयक
  • विद्या-संबंधी
  • शास्त्रीय


  • वैज्ञानिक
  • पंडित


  • विद्यामूलक
  • शास्रीय
  • शास्र-विषयक

academic Definition


  • of or relating to education and scholarship. ( या शिक्षा और छात्रवृत्ति से संबंधित है। )
  • not of practical relevance; of only theoretical interest. ( व्यावहारिक प्रासंगिकता का नहीं; केवल सैद्धांतिक हित की। )


  • a teacher or scholar in a college or institute of higher education. ( उच्च शिक्षा के एक कॉलेज या संस्थान में एक शिक्षक या विद्वान। )

academic Example

  • That solution is of more than academic interest. ( वह समाधान अकादमिक अभिरुचि से अधिक है। )
  • You receive a grade on your transcript for your internship course, just as you do for your academic courses. ( आप अपने इंटर्नशिप कोर्स के लिए अपने ट्रांसक्रिप्ट पर एक ग्रेड प्राप्त करते हैं, जैसे आप अपने अकादमिक पाठ्यक्रमों के लिए करते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • The search for art created beyond the reach of academic officialdom began with the discovery of Henri Rousseau by Picasso's circle in early twentieth century France.
  • Polygamy may seem an exotic topic, but it is not just of historical or academic interest.
  • Without the Student Loan Scheme, university students would continue to pursue the lofty academic courses whose demise is being so sorely lamented.
  • I used to have what I thought of as a purely academic interest in Nazi propaganda.
  • ‘In the majority of cases, the moderators tend to come from the academic environment or the wealthier churches,’ he said.
  • Perhaps it's difficult being academic in a non-academic environment.
  • My academic parents gave me ‘The Times’ to read at 4.
  • academic questions
  • The author reviews the problems that have plagued history in the academic environment to dispel the popular belief that history is the same thing as the past.
  • For this to happen it takes longer than a few weeks of holidaying or even a few years spent studying at an academic institution.
  • You may not have all the book smarts that some people do, and I was certainly never an academic person.
  • That finding may be of more than academic interest.
  • According to Dr. Rajan, the Centre is doing advanced research, apart from conducting usual academic courses of higher studies.
  • This discussion is not of purely academic interest, because it has arisen in a practical way in a number of different contexts in recent years.
  • A variety of academic courses in foreign-area studies could precede or follow such summer programs.
  • This gives a total of around 113 identifiable anthropologists working in Australian academic environments.
  • They also analyzed the long-term academic achievement of these students.
  • The question that then emerged was, ‘How does one groove to a daggy disco mix in formal wear and long academic gown?’
  • Moving away from the academic environment was a shrewd move for Stoneham, who has trebled the amount of business she used to do at Oxford University.
  • This is something that is of more academic than practical interest.
  • Probably won't go down well with my academic friends, but I felt I really wanted to be out doing things more in the real world than actually doing research.
  • This is what passes for humor in an academic family.
  • she's very academic
  • It is interesting to see how academic writers ‘anonymously’ describe themselves and their works.
  • The Education Secretary, Charles Clarke, has questioned public funding of purely academic courses.
  • Burrell received a 2004 Jazz Educator of the Year award from Down Beat magazine for academic achievement and excellence in jazz education.
  • However, in style and technique the artists of the Ashcan School are now seen to have differed less from contemporary academic painting than they themselves believed.
  • Admission to higher education is by academic qualifications.